Wednesday, November 03, 2010


 NO...not really.
Just our costumes for the Halloween's Family Dance on Friday night.
PoD is "Princess of Darkness", AJ a "Glamor Girl" and JD wanted to be a "Skeleton".

I came as "Mother Nature"...
Which totally blew away all the little kids!

I was amazed at all the little kids who couldn't stop touching the orange tulle cape that I wore. Some even followed me? Many came up to me and with awe in their voice told me how nice I looked...calling me "Mother Nature". I figure their parents must have explained who mother nature was and they took it as something special? It sure stroked the old ego!

It wasn't much of a dance, more like a milling around of dressed up kids and very few costumed parents? Happily there wasn't any judging of's too hurtful to children. All feel their costume is the winner and those who just throw something together are no match for the store bought ones. My preferrence is for the thrown together ones.

Would like to share more photos of this dance only the Exes camera confused both PoD and me, so you will have to take my word on it being very amusing seeing the variations.
PoD and I did get "Honorable Mention" on the best costumes, though. Screw the award, my reward was the look on the kid's faces!
Two hours of sugar frenzied kids was enough for us!

Next up...first my rant

The adult Halloween dance was held on Saturday and it was also a "Benefit Dance" for this poor little boy [2] who is bent over with a tumor that is growing on the side of his neck and spine. It is huge! The parents are extremely young and the financial burden is emmence! They needed this dance to help pay for the numerous treatments and surgeries that it is going to take to help this child...if he survives it that is!

What was very noticeable was the absence of the older citizens of this supposedly close-knit town! I was maybe the 4th oldest? I can't help but compare it to the fund raiser for the boy who lost his father due to a heart attack, the turn out for him was shameful compared to what this boy with the tumor got! That other boy will probably someday have a new dad to raise him whereas this boy with the tumor may not live to even enjoy a dad, period!

Most may not enjoy getting dressed up and hate Halloween but that gives no excuse for not showing up and giving your support to this young couple and HIM! Happily there were 2 that came with no costume just to support him! All I can say to those who didn't attend from this town [with no valid excuse like sick or dead] SHAME ON YOU! You better be sending a check to them or donating through some other means!

There was guys there that were only working in the area...they paid out the 20.00 entrance fee and didn't even know the kid!

As for what you missed...

PoD..."Princess of Darkness"
PoD forgot her staff...note she is wearing killer "slut" boots. With her crown she is about 6' tall!

And me as the "Queen of Halloween"...

and my killer shoes...[5.00]
No high heeled concotions for me! I prefer being close to the ground and have to problem with being 5'3"! Seems I was smarter that those who did wear those killer boots...most came off when the dancing started...;)

We, as usual stayed with our group...
This is our normal and the Orbs!

Its like we have this wall around us and everyone else is afraid to approach it?
Except for the 50/50 ticket sellers and the table cleaners.

Lived here for 28 yrs and still not approchable? Although I did get a few inquiring on sign work...guess that's the only topic they figure I/we know?

Did get compliments on our outfits but they weren't winners.

Best Male Costume..."The Mad Hatter"
This was our selection too!

Best Female..."Cruella Deville"

It was okay but not note worthy in my books.
Didn't get a pic from the front cause it wasn't that great.

Why they picked it was beyond me?

Best Couple...."Extension Cord and Outlet"
PoD had taken the photo before they won and it was our choice too!

Even better was the fact that this was the boy that my son grew up with and practically lived at our place, a second son, you can say. So happy for him and his girlfriend. Both him and my son very seldom see each other any more, as they have gone their separate ways...;(

The next choice wasn't my pick but it was PoD's!

They were dance costumes and won mostly because they looked and were called the "Skanky Ninja Turtles". The pic shows the 3 of them without their "Skank" boots on. The outfits must have been uncomfortably short as most spent their time trying to keep the skirt down. Don't know why they were wearing shorts underneath?

Guess it's jealousy...I used to be that skinny!

They were cute and well made outfits.

We did do some dancing and have pics to prove it...even though it only looks like we are just standing there...

Will be show more Orbs and some diffrent ones
Not sure if can be called a dust mote or Orb...can you see a face in it?

PoD lost her boots after the first song!
Something about "Jello Legs"?

Here's PoD dancing with a few more Orbs...

Do you see a face in the brightest one?
The larger one is probably a dust mote. See the difference?

Yup...even I dance

Doesn't it look like I'm talking to this Orb?

We did have fun without anyone else...even though the dance floor was full.
Here a selection of costumes for your own ideas...
They even held a mock fight...notice the Orb with the face on it?
No...I'm not just pointing to his crotch...;}
Note this has a very distinct face
I never noticed that the mouth looks like it shows teeth in the smile?

One of the final shots. 
We have such a large dance floor area, yet the crowd stayed shoulder to shoulder close near the stage? Granted the rest of the floor got pretty sticky from spilled drinks!

Why do people have to dance with their drink in their hand? It's not like one has to be worried about anyone slipping anything in your drink! This is a small town, everyone is watching your every move!

It got really hard to take near the end...all one wanted to do was go home. Feet tired and it's not entertaining, yet one has to stay because they bought 50/50 tickest and PoD bought a chance on the big TV they were raffling off.

Her ticket was half a playing card. A card that showed all sorts of promise for being lucky!
A Cat Card...a witch's familiar and the 7 [her lucky number] of diamonds

They pulled the 7 of hearts on the cat card!

Guess close only works in horseshoes...;{

And yes my Halloween has already disappeared from my house til next year!


Roan said...

I can see why the kids were in awe of your costume, it's amazing! Love the QoH too. I'm betting you had a fun night!

Queen of Halloween said...

Wish it could be Halloween all of the time...oh wait, it is in my place. Thanks for the comment and yes we did!