Again, quoting brief passages from her [Stella Hyde] book is another Zodiac sign that hits close to my son's [Apr. 5]
Let's see how close she gets to him...
Aries is a masculine sign, cardinal Fire sign ruled by Mars. It is the first sign on the zodiac wheel, directly opposite Libra , and is named for the constellation Aries [the ram], which shouts and struts behind the Sun at this time of year.
On the darkside, this makes you a loud, overconfident, aggressive thug with way too many Y chromosomes and a will of titanium-clad granite.
Annoying Habits:
Punctuality - You are either 30 minutes early, raring to go, and incandescent that everyone else is late, or you turn up four days later at a different venue and are outraged that the expedition went without you.
Toothpaste - After a five minute rant in the bathroom when you throw everything out of the window looking for your tube of toothpaste, you finally find it in your laundry basket. You hammer it flat with your bare hands.
Temper gauge - 0 degrees to boiling point is instantaneously, and occurs roughly every two minutes because people just won't do what you tell them, and you've lost the key/hammer/remote control/plot.
Personality - overwhelming, overbearing, overconfident
Bitch rating - C+ think about it: bitching demands subtlety and finesse, neither of which your Bad Fairy Godmother left in your cradle. If you want to say something nasty about someone, you don't sneak around; you just open your mouth and blast away. Refreshing, in a strange way.
Fav Deadly Sin - You simply do not have the time for anything intellectual, or namby-pamby, so you go straight for Wrath, or Anger.
You can blame your planet...Mars the red menace
I'll end that zodiac on that unhappy note...
Sure makes my son sound like he was/is a difficult child/man and he was/is not! Headstrong, yes!
A lot of who a person is, depends on how they were brought up...seeing as he still talks to me, visits lots and helps me out when needed, says something I say. I would be amazed to hear that he had ever hurt anyone and as for anyone taking advantage of him...nope!
He has a big heart for those he loves and shows it when we need it!
Besides, his good traits out weights any bad ones as far as I'm concerned...
On another note... I became a Great Auntie again! A new little bouncing baby boy was delivered by the stork [;}] to one of my nieces in Edmonchuck on the 23.
Guess she gets an Aries child toooooo.....;}
Good luck Michele & Shayne and congratulations on the new addition!
I do remember hearing something about older sister not wanting a brother and that they should take it back if it is...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Well this morning I woke at 3:30 am wondering what kind of snow fall was awaiting my yesterday's forecast was for 5 cm with more during the day!
All the hearts [that I could find] had been collected from the outside and with the melt, there were none to been seen!
This is a light plastic item and with the wind we had last night it's amazing that it stayed at the front door!
This was also the only bit of snow that had to be swept away...
Of course, PoD had to go and ruin my happy thoughts with her comment of my Valentine's Day suitor leaving me a little reminder...:(
I rather think that it was nature telling me that this was okay for the heart....?
Been busy designing, inventing and putting together cardboard diamonds as props for this year's Grad....which is about "Diamonds in the Rough".
Diamonds were never a favorite stone of mine...too cold looking, plus out of my pocket range. What fancinated me was how they went from such a raw ugly stone to something so beautiful by cutting and polishing them.
Trying to make these cardboard props look like diamonds, took me back to when I was 20 yrs old [in Edmonton/AB] and my [first-ex] husband encouraged me to take up gem stone cutting. He bought me this amateur lapidary machine that looked something like this....

The one next to the cut one was going to be my next venture only we ended up leaving Edmonton for BC and then my enthusiasm it was too fricken hard!
I have nothing but respect for those who do this for a living! With all of those facets to cut with precision is amazing and worth the pretty penny they cost!
As for my puny attempt...the cardboard ones were just perfect for my idea of what a diamond looks like...granted these ones are very simple.
The grad committee wanted to have these diamonds on very slender poles with tulle draped between them. I opted to make the diamonds see through and they will house a flashing LED light or one-color LED light.
The rest shown on the table are proto types and they are to remind me that you can't make them out of card stock.
During the photo shoot Thumber wasn't too crazy with the flash disturbing her sleep...
Not only did they want pole diamonds but floor ones to cover the stage and photo OP area. Thing was...what size? Thus the variation of sizes.
I brilliant idea of mine was to make a photo OP Diamond Stool for the grads to pose with and even sit on. I just so happened to have a stool with no seat laying around that suited just fine...

16 hours later and arms that are going to fall off...sees my dream idea to completion

The stool is not completely covered in vinyl chrome...need to order more if necessary. Odds are no one will photograph the backside anyways...
Only thing left to do is prepare them master copies to make more cardboard diamonds...
That will be their job to make the rest.
Up next will be the archway...?
Heath Wise:
Thinking has been hard due to my sinus infection. Not much to do for it but put up with it! It's a good thing I can't type nasally because answering the phone to customers has been even harder to make them understand me...
My brother-in-law gave me a great "old time" remedy for sinus headaches...rub "Vic" mentholated ointment on your works [for about 4 hrs] and then he said for full body aches with a cold...rub the stuff on the bottoms of your feet. Will give that a try next!
Other than that...I am still happy to be above ground...:)
Well this morning I woke at 3:30 am wondering what kind of snow fall was awaiting my yesterday's forecast was for 5 cm with more during the day!
This what Mother Nature had for me....
This is a light plastic item and with the wind we had last night it's amazing that it stayed at the front door!
This was also the only bit of snow that had to be swept away...
I rather think that it was nature telling me that this was okay for the heart....?
Been busy designing, inventing and putting together cardboard diamonds as props for this year's Grad....which is about "Diamonds in the Rough".
Diamonds were never a favorite stone of mine...too cold looking, plus out of my pocket range. What fancinated me was how they went from such a raw ugly stone to something so beautiful by cutting and polishing them.
Trying to make these cardboard props look like diamonds, took me back to when I was 20 yrs old [in Edmonton/AB] and my [first-ex] husband encouraged me to take up gem stone cutting. He bought me this amateur lapidary machine that looked something like this....
The one next to the cut one was going to be my next venture only we ended up leaving Edmonton for BC and then my enthusiasm it was too fricken hard!
I have nothing but respect for those who do this for a living! With all of those facets to cut with precision is amazing and worth the pretty penny they cost!
As for my puny attempt...the cardboard ones were just perfect for my idea of what a diamond looks like...granted these ones are very simple.
The grad committee wanted to have these diamonds on very slender poles with tulle draped between them. I opted to make the diamonds see through and they will house a flashing LED light or one-color LED light.
During the photo shoot Thumber wasn't too crazy with the flash disturbing her sleep...
I brilliant idea of mine was to make a photo OP Diamond Stool for the grads to pose with and even sit on. I just so happened to have a stool with no seat laying around that suited just fine...
16 hours later and arms that are going to fall off...sees my dream idea to completion
The stool is not completely covered in vinyl chrome...need to order more if necessary. Odds are no one will photograph the backside anyways...
Only thing left to do is prepare them master copies to make more cardboard diamonds...
That will be their job to make the rest.
Up next will be the archway...?
Heath Wise:
Thinking has been hard due to my sinus infection. Not much to do for it but put up with it! It's a good thing I can't type nasally because answering the phone to customers has been even harder to make them understand me...
My brother-in-law gave me a great "old time" remedy for sinus headaches...rub "Vic" mentholated ointment on your works [for about 4 hrs] and then he said for full body aches with a cold...rub the stuff on the bottoms of your feet. Will give that a try next!
Other than that...I am still happy to be above ground...:)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Feb 19 - March 20 [depending on what book]
[These are brief passages borrowed from her [Stella Hyde] book and have been given the okay to use by reviewers, like me...says so right in her book] Besides, if by the rare chance that someone does read this blog, they may just have to go out and buy this book like I did! Something about knowing your enemy's traits...
How's that for a review!
Pisces is a feminine, mutable Water sign ruled by Neptune. It is the twelfth sign on the zodiac wheel, directly opposite Virgo and is named for the constellation Pisces [the fish] which drifts and fantasizes behind the sun at this time of the year.
On the Darkside, this makes you a slippery manipulative, unreliable reality-dodger with delusions of adequacy and an addiction to sentimentality and self-destruction.
Annoying Habits...
Punctuality - Your not late as such, but you get lost, can't remember where your going, or what day it is. It's whoever you're meeting's fault for putting you under so much pressure; stop off at a bar for a consoling drink or several.
Toothpaste - You squeeze from the middle and leave the cap off, but are usually using a tube of shaving gel or hemorrhoid cream because you don't do small print; blame the bathroom's owner when you throw up.
Temper Gauge - O to boiling point in a minute or two, building up a good head of steam to drive the whine engine, which can go for weeks at a time but not in any logical direction; often runs off the rails or over innocent bystanders.
Personality...confused, chaotic, contradictory
Bitch Rating...A- Stealth class submarine bitchery; you're so wishy-washy topside, people underestimate the powerful emotional location system that allows you to hook directly into others' weakest points and go in with a spiteful trident. You always hit below the waterline and leave a small corrosive poison in the victims system.
Fav Deadly Sin...As you are a weak-willed sensationalist, you have regularly been led astray by all seven DSs, often all at the same time [which may explain some of your mood changes, but is still no excuse].
Blame your planet...Neptune: unfocused, nebulous and wet., the windiest planet in the universe.
AGAIN...a lot of her predictions have to be calculated with what time of day you were born, etc. so buy the book if you feel the need to have more...:}
I would SO like to dedicate THIS blog to my dear, darling, NASTY...older sister "Cork" or "Corky"...which ever one would piss her off the most! I only wished she read my blog!
I can normally forgive a family member based on the fact that blood is supposed to be thicker than water...or so they say, but HER, I cannot!
She's either 9 or 10 years older than me and made my live a living hell when we had to room together growing up! EVERYTHING belonged to her...including her clothing hand-me-downs, which she NEVER let me live down! The time era that I grew up in...wearing second-hand was a BIG NO-NO! She was also the one that enjoyed tormenting me about my stuttering the most which helped me to retreat into my own little world! I could go on and on...
Reading about her Zodiac Darkside traits, helps explain her A LOT! Doesn't excuse her tho... I've recently shared battle scars with my brother, Tank, about her and his are worse than mine! Her and her friends would beat on him, take whatever money he had and he was no small child like I was!
One could forgive that as growing up pains, but she continued her venom to me through gossip to her children/grand children, who now hate me? This was not related to me personally, I had to find out through my younger sister, Eener who is still in contact with our nieces/nephew.
My contact with her ended when she had moved to Scotland [abandoning her unborn first grandchild and daughter [16] to her boyfriend's family] to be with her rich new husband. Taking her other younger daughter...only because she had no one to leave HER with! We later learned that HE continually molested her and wasn't believed by my sis, her own mother! Money always came first with her!
My biggest blow [to me] came when I wrote her hoping for some kind sisterly advice on my marriage woes and was told bluntly to "suck it up" and do as I was told...after all marriage was my job?
She has since moved back to the home area and isn't in contact with anyone in the family [including her kids/grand kids] as we are all not good enough for her! My brother, Tank, did try to befriend her and her husband but didn't make their quality standards. Us White/Indian trash ain't no good to be hanging with!
So this one is for her! Did try to do it for her birthday on the 2nd but she got her whammy for that day as is was the day of "Button's" funeral in 2004!
Anyways...[so much for those karma coins]
Stay tuned for the next horrible scope which will be....Aries [my son's sign...;}]
Feb 19 - March 20 [depending on what book]
[These are brief passages borrowed from her [Stella Hyde] book and have been given the okay to use by reviewers, like me...says so right in her book] Besides, if by the rare chance that someone does read this blog, they may just have to go out and buy this book like I did! Something about knowing your enemy's traits...
How's that for a review!
Pisces is a feminine, mutable Water sign ruled by Neptune. It is the twelfth sign on the zodiac wheel, directly opposite Virgo and is named for the constellation Pisces [the fish] which drifts and fantasizes behind the sun at this time of the year.
On the Darkside, this makes you a slippery manipulative, unreliable reality-dodger with delusions of adequacy and an addiction to sentimentality and self-destruction.
Annoying Habits...
Punctuality - Your not late as such, but you get lost, can't remember where your going, or what day it is. It's whoever you're meeting's fault for putting you under so much pressure; stop off at a bar for a consoling drink or several.
Toothpaste - You squeeze from the middle and leave the cap off, but are usually using a tube of shaving gel or hemorrhoid cream because you don't do small print; blame the bathroom's owner when you throw up.
Temper Gauge - O to boiling point in a minute or two, building up a good head of steam to drive the whine engine, which can go for weeks at a time but not in any logical direction; often runs off the rails or over innocent bystanders.
Personality...confused, chaotic, contradictory
Bitch Rating...A- Stealth class submarine bitchery; you're so wishy-washy topside, people underestimate the powerful emotional location system that allows you to hook directly into others' weakest points and go in with a spiteful trident. You always hit below the waterline and leave a small corrosive poison in the victims system.
Fav Deadly Sin...As you are a weak-willed sensationalist, you have regularly been led astray by all seven DSs, often all at the same time [which may explain some of your mood changes, but is still no excuse].
Blame your planet...Neptune: unfocused, nebulous and wet., the windiest planet in the universe.
AGAIN...a lot of her predictions have to be calculated with what time of day you were born, etc. so buy the book if you feel the need to have more...:}
I would SO like to dedicate THIS blog to my dear, darling, NASTY...older sister "Cork" or "Corky"...which ever one would piss her off the most! I only wished she read my blog!
I can normally forgive a family member based on the fact that blood is supposed to be thicker than water...or so they say, but HER, I cannot!
She's either 9 or 10 years older than me and made my live a living hell when we had to room together growing up! EVERYTHING belonged to her...including her clothing hand-me-downs, which she NEVER let me live down! The time era that I grew up in...wearing second-hand was a BIG NO-NO! She was also the one that enjoyed tormenting me about my stuttering the most which helped me to retreat into my own little world! I could go on and on...
Reading about her Zodiac Darkside traits, helps explain her A LOT! Doesn't excuse her tho... I've recently shared battle scars with my brother, Tank, about her and his are worse than mine! Her and her friends would beat on him, take whatever money he had and he was no small child like I was!
One could forgive that as growing up pains, but she continued her venom to me through gossip to her children/grand children, who now hate me? This was not related to me personally, I had to find out through my younger sister, Eener who is still in contact with our nieces/nephew.
My contact with her ended when she had moved to Scotland [abandoning her unborn first grandchild and daughter [16] to her boyfriend's family] to be with her rich new husband. Taking her other younger daughter...only because she had no one to leave HER with! We later learned that HE continually molested her and wasn't believed by my sis, her own mother! Money always came first with her!
My biggest blow [to me] came when I wrote her hoping for some kind sisterly advice on my marriage woes and was told bluntly to "suck it up" and do as I was told...after all marriage was my job?
She has since moved back to the home area and isn't in contact with anyone in the family [including her kids/grand kids] as we are all not good enough for her! My brother, Tank, did try to befriend her and her husband but didn't make their quality standards. Us White/Indian trash ain't no good to be hanging with!
So this one is for her! Did try to do it for her birthday on the 2nd but she got her whammy for that day as is was the day of "Button's" funeral in 2004!
Anyways...[so much for those karma coins]
Stay tuned for the next horrible scope which will be....Aries [my son's sign...;}]
Thursday, March 10, 2011
That's what the title of the town's newspaper story [Wed. Mar. 9/11] was...?
The biggest thing that I had stressed the ABSOLUTE MOST was that we weren't SURE whether we wanted to DO something for the centennial or NOT!
We are are only a group of "two" people!
We do have the capabilities to run such an event [we've done tours before] but the thing is...will we be able to get to experience any of the centennial too? The article states day and night!
I HAVE to have a float for the parade, for my business, as they want to have at least 100 entries. With the addition of the ghost tours I should have a float for that too? That means we don't get to watch it! As a business, I HAVE to DONATE prizes to whatever is planned to help fund them. Whine, whine, whine....;(
Our two other part-time investigators [4 hrs out of town] are planning on attending our festivities, but NOT to have to VOLUNTEER THEIR TIME helping us run these tours! They would do it, if we were pressed for help, but I don't think that would be fair to them either!
Thing is.... I KIND OF WANT to do it anyways...?
Most will say the EGO wants to show its ugly face and that part is wrong! I HATE public speaking and being in the lime light...most who know me, know that this is a FACT!
The thing I want the MOST is to see this court house achieve it's "Moment of Fame"! My hope was [with this article], was to open the eyes to the possibility of doing this permanently as a tourist attraction! Something to generate funds to help run the museum and gallery...which are deep in debt!
And maybe along with it...will be the opening of some very narrow eyes...:)
To be able to bring this medium out into the open with all the proof we have amassed is fantastic! Granted, the only ones who will attend will be the ones who already believe or are close to it. Still, they will pass the word no matter what...:)!
And if we are recognized along the way...then my family has something to brag about...;)
Guess that IS the EGO talking....;}!
The reporter, Fram Dinshaw [ The Citizen], starts his report...
"Two Dodge ghost hunters conducting a scientific investigations of apparitions in the courthouse are looking to lay on tours for locals and visitors at the Centennial party and make the town famous with paranormal seekers from the USA and Britain."...
With other excerpts...
"While touring the courthouse, this reporter saw an unexplained flash of light above a door off the hallway on the courthouse's upper level."
"The Citizen's camera went from a full battery to just one quarter after an hour in the courthouse"
I wasn't too crazy about his explanation of what "Orbs" are after what we told him [his note taking wasn't too great]..."which are bright, fast-moving collections of dust, formed by the energy left behind after a person dies."
Collections of DUST formed by energy?
We said..."when people die, [don't move on] they are this ball of energy, generally in the shape of a sphere. In order to move or change, they need energy. They will draw energy from anything around them, whether it's a living human or batteries! These show up on pictures as bright balls but are NOT to be confused with dust motes!"
"a masonic-style mirror has mysterious lines across the glass that bothe mother and daughter say are the work of orbs."
It's NOT a masonic-style's a mirror in a masonic bench!
Plus we said..."the mirror gives off strange lines and shapes depending on direction of light being shone on it? It's not etched on as the back is sealed!"
Not once did we say that orbs did it! But then maybe they did and we didn't know it...
And lastly....
I was so happy that there was no picture of us...even though we did get all gussied up...;}
What they did show was creepy enough...that part I'll give them credit for.
They showed a darken shot of the creepy mannequin that scares PoD every time and the vault where the skull was kept!
Other than that we did get a half a page of free advertising...
That just might land us up in more grief...
We got to scare a complete stranger plus make him a believer in the fact that our court house IS CREEPY...if not haunted!
That's what the title of the town's newspaper story [Wed. Mar. 9/11] was...?
The biggest thing that I had stressed the ABSOLUTE MOST was that we weren't SURE whether we wanted to DO something for the centennial or NOT!
We are are only a group of "two" people!
We do have the capabilities to run such an event [we've done tours before] but the thing is...will we be able to get to experience any of the centennial too? The article states day and night!
I HAVE to have a float for the parade, for my business, as they want to have at least 100 entries. With the addition of the ghost tours I should have a float for that too? That means we don't get to watch it! As a business, I HAVE to DONATE prizes to whatever is planned to help fund them. Whine, whine, whine....;(
Our two other part-time investigators [4 hrs out of town] are planning on attending our festivities, but NOT to have to VOLUNTEER THEIR TIME helping us run these tours! They would do it, if we were pressed for help, but I don't think that would be fair to them either!
Thing is.... I KIND OF WANT to do it anyways...?
Most will say the EGO wants to show its ugly face and that part is wrong! I HATE public speaking and being in the lime light...most who know me, know that this is a FACT!
The thing I want the MOST is to see this court house achieve it's "Moment of Fame"! My hope was [with this article], was to open the eyes to the possibility of doing this permanently as a tourist attraction! Something to generate funds to help run the museum and gallery...which are deep in debt!
And maybe along with it...will be the opening of some very narrow eyes...:)
To be able to bring this medium out into the open with all the proof we have amassed is fantastic! Granted, the only ones who will attend will be the ones who already believe or are close to it. Still, they will pass the word no matter what...:)!
And if we are recognized along the way...then my family has something to brag about...;)
Guess that IS the EGO talking....;}!
The reporter, Fram Dinshaw [ The Citizen], starts his report...
"Two Dodge ghost hunters conducting a scientific investigations of apparitions in the courthouse are looking to lay on tours for locals and visitors at the Centennial party and make the town famous with paranormal seekers from the USA and Britain."...
With other excerpts...
"While touring the courthouse, this reporter saw an unexplained flash of light above a door off the hallway on the courthouse's upper level."
"The Citizen's camera went from a full battery to just one quarter after an hour in the courthouse"
I wasn't too crazy about his explanation of what "Orbs" are after what we told him [his note taking wasn't too great]..."which are bright, fast-moving collections of dust, formed by the energy left behind after a person dies."
Collections of DUST formed by energy?
We said..."when people die, [don't move on] they are this ball of energy, generally in the shape of a sphere. In order to move or change, they need energy. They will draw energy from anything around them, whether it's a living human or batteries! These show up on pictures as bright balls but are NOT to be confused with dust motes!"
"a masonic-style mirror has mysterious lines across the glass that bothe mother and daughter say are the work of orbs."
It's NOT a masonic-style's a mirror in a masonic bench!
Plus we said..."the mirror gives off strange lines and shapes depending on direction of light being shone on it? It's not etched on as the back is sealed!"
Not once did we say that orbs did it! But then maybe they did and we didn't know it...
And lastly....
I was so happy that there was no picture of us...even though we did get all gussied up...;}
What they did show was creepy enough...that part I'll give them credit for.
They showed a darken shot of the creepy mannequin that scares PoD every time and the vault where the skull was kept!
Other than that we did get a half a page of free advertising...
That just might land us up in more grief...
We got to scare a complete stranger plus make him a believer in the fact that our court house IS CREEPY...if not haunted!
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
PoD and I arrived Saturday evening [5:30ish] to see a very sleepy group trying very hard to wake up...must of been the heat
Or maybe the spirits trying to suck their energy......oooooo;}
I could just imagine how I would have felt if I had stayed there with them all of the time, like the town wants us to do...
I would sure like these groups to try to do these investigations in the summer time, when the heat is off, then maybe I would be able to spend the full time in there.
Get going they finally did...but not me!
I opted to stay and monitor the video feeds at the command post while the others did their thing.
This is where PoD had to input this next part...
"Us girls, Terri, Treena and Jan, headed off into the darkness with some of their electronic gear that would hopefully record any EVP's [electronic voice phenomenon] and an EMF [electro magnetic field] Detector, to pick up any activity in the areas we were working in. We call this "Ghost Radar".
We also experimented with the Ovilus, I nicknamed "Olli".
"Olli" works by measuring changes in the environmental energy fields around it. It modulates the energy changes into audible speech using a synthesizer chip, an extensive English word dictionary, and a function that phonetically sounds out words.
The only thing that scared me was the mannequin in the Judge's living room! Every time I saw that thing, it made me jump!
While we were in the Judge's bedroom, the bed moved with me sitting on it! Meanwhile the others felt the movement of it on the floor! I was surrounded by the others and asked if anyone felt that or nudged the bed and NO was the reply! That was spooky!
In the Custodial Quarters, Olli, cussed at us! Which it has never done before... like saying "F -U" a lot! When I asked it if it knew who I was, it called me "a dirty girl"...:?
In the basement hallway we were all sitting around quietly waiting for Matty, Terri's husband [who was back home sick] to "astroproject" to her [something they have been experimenting with]. They had set a time and we were all supposed to focus on his attempt.
It didn't happen.
Olli entertained by saying "Red Orb" once. When asked "Matty, can you say Jan"? Olli immediately said "Jan"! When they asked to repeat it again it didn't! It has never done that before! It even said my name! It also said "John" a lot [they have a member called that].
The "Ghost Radar" never worked in the basement"!
End of my report...back to mom"
While they did their thing, I monitored it and the others.
I did do another investigation as the basement was calling me...
We dragged stack-able chairs downstairs to the Custodial Quarters kitchen ,as we didn't want to sit on any of the museum chairs [not allowed], in case any broke. Terri's dream was about this area, so we all sat around with an empty chair directly across from her. In her dream this chair scoots across the room towards her and she asked it "Who is here and what do you want us to know from you?"
It didn't happen...;(
Sure was spine tingling waiting for it tho...;}
We had set up Olli in the same spot that the previous team did [CQ hallway in front of bathroom and in sight of main basement hallway] and it was trying hard to spit out words/sounds upon plugging in! More active than usual! At one point, through my own mental frustration with it, I said "use your vowels" and right away it started rattling off these vowel sounds! Lots of a child trying to get it all out without taking a breath! I swore at one point during this vast amount of spewing of vowels, it sounded like it said "thair for I am"[robot sounding]...that's what it sounded like not spelled like! I found that creepy!
A couple of times it used vowels when I asked it to use vowels? Other times it didn't? The word "vowels" does not activate anything in its programming.
At no time during this investigation did I have any ill effects from any of the searches! I did nibble quite a bit to keep the sugar levels high and spent more time in the cold air.
Again, I didn't get many "Orbs" or dust motes in my shots. In this below shot of PoD in the court room, I caught a single Orb and didn't notice the two orange orb-like objects. Checking later revealed street lights in the distance...we were just starting to close the curtains...
What turned out to be a smart idea was my Game Cam! I was able to capture more stuff and not have to be there or maybe be in some of the shots...;{

Once again the "shadow people"/orbs did their "energy sucking" thing and we were all too exhausted to do any more! PoD and I decided NOT to sleep another night in this place! Her kids needed her [hubby works away] and my house needed me. We packed up as much as possible as they would be leaving as soon as possible when they awoke. I was taking the car and was going to see them off but she was not getting up to do so.
This is what greeted me the next morning....

Happily No One tried to sleep in the Judge's chamber...
And once again I didn't set up my camcorder in there either? If not movement at least sound...
Maybe next time...
That ends another investigation!
That Monday, I received a call from the local newspaper, wanting to do an interview about PoD and I. Arrangements we made to meet Friday, 6:30 pm at court house. I get a call on thursday night [before the interview] on "where are we"? He had been told that PoD had a meeting and we COULDN"T do it then...on the phone before said appointment...? Not boding well, I prepared a two paged description of us etc. to give to him. Which I did. At interview, which was to involve picture taking, his flash on the camera issued to him was faulty? Why bring an Iffy camera to an interview when pic might be important. Then two days after the interview he has a "roll-over" accident and loses info and maybe dead camera? He calls to let us know the details and warns that the issue might not have the said info with the statement that "they will print a retraction if we don't like what they printed. Kind of like to late if you ask me!
This should be interesting...
The reporter though it was a good job...
I only hope he remembered what it was that we didn't want him to be saying...
We shows up today!
PoD and I arrived Saturday evening [5:30ish] to see a very sleepy group trying very hard to wake up...must of been the heat
Or maybe the spirits trying to suck their energy......oooooo;}
I could just imagine how I would have felt if I had stayed there with them all of the time, like the town wants us to do...
I would sure like these groups to try to do these investigations in the summer time, when the heat is off, then maybe I would be able to spend the full time in there.
Get going they finally did...but not me!
I opted to stay and monitor the video feeds at the command post while the others did their thing.
This is where PoD had to input this next part...
"Us girls, Terri, Treena and Jan, headed off into the darkness with some of their electronic gear that would hopefully record any EVP's [electronic voice phenomenon] and an EMF [electro magnetic field] Detector, to pick up any activity in the areas we were working in. We call this "Ghost Radar".
We also experimented with the Ovilus, I nicknamed "Olli".
"Olli" works by measuring changes in the environmental energy fields around it. It modulates the energy changes into audible speech using a synthesizer chip, an extensive English word dictionary, and a function that phonetically sounds out words.
The device has seven modes of operation. It includes a dictionary mode containing 512 stored words, phonetic mode (sounds out words by syllable), a combination mode (both dictionary words and phonetics) and a “yes” or “no” mode. It also features an electromagnetic field (EMF) mode that verbally outputs EMF levels in milligauss, a level mode that only graphically displays EMF levels, and a dowsing mode that simulates virtual dowsing rods. In the courtroom the "Ghost Radar" caught a lot of "dots" [energy] along with words.
The only thing that scared me was the mannequin in the Judge's living room! Every time I saw that thing, it made me jump!
While we were in the Judge's bedroom, the bed moved with me sitting on it! Meanwhile the others felt the movement of it on the floor! I was surrounded by the others and asked if anyone felt that or nudged the bed and NO was the reply! That was spooky!
In the Custodial Quarters, Olli, cussed at us! Which it has never done before... like saying "F -U" a lot! When I asked it if it knew who I was, it called me "a dirty girl"...:?
In the basement hallway we were all sitting around quietly waiting for Matty, Terri's husband [who was back home sick] to "astroproject" to her [something they have been experimenting with]. They had set a time and we were all supposed to focus on his attempt.
It didn't happen.
Olli entertained by saying "Red Orb" once. When asked "Matty, can you say Jan"? Olli immediately said "Jan"! When they asked to repeat it again it didn't! It has never done that before! It even said my name! It also said "John" a lot [they have a member called that].
The "Ghost Radar" never worked in the basement"!
End of my report...back to mom"
While they did their thing, I monitored it and the others.
I did do another investigation as the basement was calling me...
We dragged stack-able chairs downstairs to the Custodial Quarters kitchen ,as we didn't want to sit on any of the museum chairs [not allowed], in case any broke. Terri's dream was about this area, so we all sat around with an empty chair directly across from her. In her dream this chair scoots across the room towards her and she asked it "Who is here and what do you want us to know from you?"
It didn't happen...;(
Sure was spine tingling waiting for it tho...;}
We had set up Olli in the same spot that the previous team did [CQ hallway in front of bathroom and in sight of main basement hallway] and it was trying hard to spit out words/sounds upon plugging in! More active than usual! At one point, through my own mental frustration with it, I said "use your vowels" and right away it started rattling off these vowel sounds! Lots of a child trying to get it all out without taking a breath! I swore at one point during this vast amount of spewing of vowels, it sounded like it said "thair for I am"[robot sounding]...that's what it sounded like not spelled like! I found that creepy!
A couple of times it used vowels when I asked it to use vowels? Other times it didn't? The word "vowels" does not activate anything in its programming.
At no time during this investigation did I have any ill effects from any of the searches! I did nibble quite a bit to keep the sugar levels high and spent more time in the cold air.
Again, I didn't get many "Orbs" or dust motes in my shots. In this below shot of PoD in the court room, I caught a single Orb and didn't notice the two orange orb-like objects. Checking later revealed street lights in the distance...we were just starting to close the curtains...
Once again the "shadow people"/orbs did their "energy sucking" thing and we were all too exhausted to do any more! PoD and I decided NOT to sleep another night in this place! Her kids needed her [hubby works away] and my house needed me. We packed up as much as possible as they would be leaving as soon as possible when they awoke. I was taking the car and was going to see them off but she was not getting up to do so.
This is what greeted me the next morning....
Happily No One tried to sleep in the Judge's chamber...
And once again I didn't set up my camcorder in there either? If not movement at least sound...
Maybe next time...
That ends another investigation!
That Monday, I received a call from the local newspaper, wanting to do an interview about PoD and I. Arrangements we made to meet Friday, 6:30 pm at court house. I get a call on thursday night [before the interview] on "where are we"? He had been told that PoD had a meeting and we COULDN"T do it then...on the phone before said appointment...? Not boding well, I prepared a two paged description of us etc. to give to him. Which I did. At interview, which was to involve picture taking, his flash on the camera issued to him was faulty? Why bring an Iffy camera to an interview when pic might be important. Then two days after the interview he has a "roll-over" accident and loses info and maybe dead camera? He calls to let us know the details and warns that the issue might not have the said info with the statement that "they will print a retraction if we don't like what they printed. Kind of like to late if you ask me!
This should be interesting...
The reporter though it was a good job...
I only hope he remembered what it was that we didn't want him to be saying...
We shows up today!
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Of course I just had to go whip up another logo design....I like this one the best

Friday, Feb. 25, 2011 [8:45ish] found PoD and I zooming up the front driveway to the Dodge Court House, where she dropped me off to go open the place. That meant I had to be alone in there for at least one minute...or how ever long it takes this old biddy...;{
I quickly sped [ran] my way through the creepy foyer to the safe room and down the stairs to the back door...where I had to WAIT another half a minute for PoD to pull up...;{
Couldn't wait outside because it was even colder than it was at last weekend's investigation!
Next time I'll remember to get the BACKDOOR key!
The whole time [1 1/2 mins] that I had spent in there, was already creeping me out but I wanted PoD to experience what she felt without my influence, so I didn't say anything to her. The one thing that I did tell her was that it was hotter in there than last week!
We sat in the car for awhile to get nice and cold before we entered the building. PoD shared a dream that she had about a man holding up a crystal skull in one hand while quoting something garbled from Shakespeare.
I didn't have any prophetic dream but did say that I was guessing on who was coming. I had been informed that the usual crew of four [2 women/2men] with some surprise guests...unsure on how many or who yet. I stated that I felt it was going to be all women with a possibility of "Matt the blind psychic" might come, as he had expressed an interest in the place. But then I said I didn't think so!
Finally too cold to sit outside any longer we ventured in...
It only took PoD a few minutes to feel the same creepiness that I did...I hadn't said anything other that not liking that part of the job...
Setting up our command post took all out a few minutes with the exception of blowing up the air mattresses! All of this was put into the adjoining room that the town had opened up by making the part-time law firm's office smaller. This was great for all of the other mattresses storage too as they were huge!
We set the ball up again on the foyer stairs before they came and the other trigger objects were later placed during their introductory tour....
We might have had some movement with the little red/white ball but it had gotten kicked, so the replacement can't be guaranteed to have been put back within the circle drawn on the floor. We made sure these were all really light weight but heavy enough not to be able to be blown by passing breeze from any foot traffic.
That was as far as we got for setting up our Camcorder or Game Cam. The Camcorder ended up recording the ball on the stairs. We did try to put it upstairs in the hallway to the court room but we needed an extension cord...which was all the way downstairs.
The heat and creepiness up there made us change our minds about going back up to try again! The Game Cam was decided to go somewhere else later when the other arrived!
At 9:35ish we both heard what sounded like someone/thing stepped on the loose bottom stair at the back one was there!
10:03ish the lights dimmed for a second then we heard the elevator start to move. This elevator does NOT move on it's own...someone has to hold the button to keep it running!
No one else was in the building but us!
Finally at 10:30 pm they arrived! Two vehicles loaded with people...2 men and 4 women. The youngest CLPI member, Amy, couldn't make it...;( The other guest were 3 women PoD and I had met at their Symposium last Sept. I was right on the women and the odd thing was...Matt and his wife had planned on being here together but be became ill and couldn't...his wife came anyways! My premonition sort of came true. The guess wasn't from what they had said to me at the symposium either because MANY expressed a wish to do so on their next was only a matter of who could get the time to do so!
Jan, CLPI leader, likes to vary their investigations with different ways to research the mental aspect of being alone in a scary place plus have some fun while we do it. We don't joke around at all when out on a serious session as it is important to record things clearly without external noises.
So when she came up with this great idea to try out the "hands free, self filming investigator" apparatus that they use on these ghost hunting shows. Lots of laughs getting their version of it on the two willing victims, Marie & Treena. Terri opted to not try it and laughed her self silly watching as PoD and I did!
Marie was taken by Jan and I, blind folded, to the basement, where we left her alone in the Men's old jail room. She was then given a paper to read out loud after we had been gone a couple of minutes....
"You are in a very haunted location, say the words below and then find your way back to the safe room."
Guardians of the Spirit realm, hear and guide my plea.
When the witching hour rings true, bring the dead to me.
Bring all souls who hear my call and let their form be true
Once they've shown, go back again for then my wish is through!"
I was a little leary about leaving her completely alone in that room full of hazardous uncatalogued museum farm equipment with little walk room, so I waited at the stairway entrance to upstairs.

I was able to scare her by taking her photo as she turned the corner...;)
As for Treena, Brett and PoD, deposited her in the Judge's bedroom. She had to make her way back down through the living room, down the haunted hallway and back stairs after reading the same note.
This was a little scary for Treena as hers was the longest walk, whereas we should have taken Marie to the back bedroom in the Custodial Quarters instead...that would have been much more creepier!
It broke up the tenseness of the court house for me.
Jan then interviewed everyone on their take of the place and if we had any predictions etc.
Treena felt sadness entering Dodge then again upon entering the court house.
Marie felt anxious as this was her first ever investigation and not known what to expect.
Terri felt foreboding feeling about the place and also had a dream about us circle sitting in a kitchen with an empty chair that scoots across the floor toward her and she spoke to it.
Brett had a dream about a man named Al that lives in the old generator room and he can her a song playing, "Yesterday" by the Beatles.
John felt uneasy about the place.
I told you PoD's and mine.
As Brett and Jan went about deciding/setting up their command post and camera placements we toured around a bit in the dark areas. As we sat watching the monitor once it was set up, Terri saw a dark shadow standing next to Brett in the basement...then it was gone! This was caught on video hope it wasn't something explainable!
Once everything was set up and running, the whole group except for me [someone has to stay behind to monitor the video feeds and check for orbs and such] set off to explore the upstairs first.

That also was a good time to get the group photo before everyone got too tired and grumpy...;}
Before we set up the foyer stairs John had come out of the washroom closest to the stairs and said that it was unusually cold in there!
I wasn't able to get many Orbs and the dust motes were at a minimum so I will show what I did get...

As for being able to stay up too long we all had to crash at 4:15 am!
With the heat and their long drive [6hrs] and my usual crash of sugars...sleeping came easy!
For at least 3 hrs for me!
Kidneys and hot room made me have to get up ALL ALONE...seeing as there was no way I was sitting there all alone,, I had planned a breakfast meal to wake everyone up with. So I took PoD's car, went home for some cool air and made breakfast.
This is not something we normal do for sleep overs but as these guys have become close friends and let us bunk at their place for the symposium, I wanted to do this for them and my grand kids. It was only a baked "Wife Savers Casserole" but was enough to feed them and the kids.
My grand kids are old enough to be alone for hours as they are teenagers [or close to it, JD] and leaving them overnight without adult supervision was hard for PoD. Her father lives right across the street and we were only a block away but still difficult!
After breakfast we toured the building in the daylight giving the newbies a history lesson on the place. This brought us to lunchtime and we parted ways.
Yes...I gave them the key and lets them stay alone in the court house while we all had our naps! PoD stayed with her kids and I stayed at my place!
Until she called and we were away again...
To be I have to get the rest of the story from PoD as I didn't do too many investigations after that...I watched the monitors and kept note...
Stay tuned...
Of course I just had to go whip up another logo design....I like this one the best
Us Night Owls and the Shadow People
Friday, Feb. 25, 2011 [8:45ish] found PoD and I zooming up the front driveway to the Dodge Court House, where she dropped me off to go open the place. That meant I had to be alone in there for at least one minute...or how ever long it takes this old biddy...;{
I quickly sped [ran] my way through the creepy foyer to the safe room and down the stairs to the back door...where I had to WAIT another half a minute for PoD to pull up...;{
Couldn't wait outside because it was even colder than it was at last weekend's investigation!
Next time I'll remember to get the BACKDOOR key!
The whole time [1 1/2 mins] that I had spent in there, was already creeping me out but I wanted PoD to experience what she felt without my influence, so I didn't say anything to her. The one thing that I did tell her was that it was hotter in there than last week!
We sat in the car for awhile to get nice and cold before we entered the building. PoD shared a dream that she had about a man holding up a crystal skull in one hand while quoting something garbled from Shakespeare.
I didn't have any prophetic dream but did say that I was guessing on who was coming. I had been informed that the usual crew of four [2 women/2men] with some surprise guests...unsure on how many or who yet. I stated that I felt it was going to be all women with a possibility of "Matt the blind psychic" might come, as he had expressed an interest in the place. But then I said I didn't think so!
It only took PoD a few minutes to feel the same creepiness that I did...I hadn't said anything other that not liking that part of the job...
Setting up our command post took all out a few minutes with the exception of blowing up the air mattresses! All of this was put into the adjoining room that the town had opened up by making the part-time law firm's office smaller. This was great for all of the other mattresses storage too as they were huge!
We set the ball up again on the foyer stairs before they came and the other trigger objects were later placed during their introductory tour....
We might have had some movement with the little red/white ball but it had gotten kicked, so the replacement can't be guaranteed to have been put back within the circle drawn on the floor. We made sure these were all really light weight but heavy enough not to be able to be blown by passing breeze from any foot traffic.
That was as far as we got for setting up our Camcorder or Game Cam. The Camcorder ended up recording the ball on the stairs. We did try to put it upstairs in the hallway to the court room but we needed an extension cord...which was all the way downstairs.
The heat and creepiness up there made us change our minds about going back up to try again! The Game Cam was decided to go somewhere else later when the other arrived!
At 9:35ish we both heard what sounded like someone/thing stepped on the loose bottom stair at the back one was there!
10:03ish the lights dimmed for a second then we heard the elevator start to move. This elevator does NOT move on it's own...someone has to hold the button to keep it running!
No one else was in the building but us!
Finally at 10:30 pm they arrived! Two vehicles loaded with people...2 men and 4 women. The youngest CLPI member, Amy, couldn't make it...;( The other guest were 3 women PoD and I had met at their Symposium last Sept. I was right on the women and the odd thing was...Matt and his wife had planned on being here together but be became ill and couldn't...his wife came anyways! My premonition sort of came true. The guess wasn't from what they had said to me at the symposium either because MANY expressed a wish to do so on their next was only a matter of who could get the time to do so!
Jan, CLPI leader, likes to vary their investigations with different ways to research the mental aspect of being alone in a scary place plus have some fun while we do it. We don't joke around at all when out on a serious session as it is important to record things clearly without external noises.
So when she came up with this great idea to try out the "hands free, self filming investigator" apparatus that they use on these ghost hunting shows. Lots of laughs getting their version of it on the two willing victims, Marie & Treena. Terri opted to not try it and laughed her self silly watching as PoD and I did!
Marie was taken by Jan and I, blind folded, to the basement, where we left her alone in the Men's old jail room. She was then given a paper to read out loud after we had been gone a couple of minutes....
"You are in a very haunted location, say the words below and then find your way back to the safe room."
Guardians of the Spirit realm, hear and guide my plea.
When the witching hour rings true, bring the dead to me.
Bring all souls who hear my call and let their form be true
Once they've shown, go back again for then my wish is through!"
I was a little leary about leaving her completely alone in that room full of hazardous uncatalogued museum farm equipment with little walk room, so I waited at the stairway entrance to upstairs.
I was able to scare her by taking her photo as she turned the corner...;)
As for Treena, Brett and PoD, deposited her in the Judge's bedroom. She had to make her way back down through the living room, down the haunted hallway and back stairs after reading the same note.
This was a little scary for Treena as hers was the longest walk, whereas we should have taken Marie to the back bedroom in the Custodial Quarters instead...that would have been much more creepier!
It broke up the tenseness of the court house for me.
Jan then interviewed everyone on their take of the place and if we had any predictions etc.
Treena felt sadness entering Dodge then again upon entering the court house.
Marie felt anxious as this was her first ever investigation and not known what to expect.
Terri felt foreboding feeling about the place and also had a dream about us circle sitting in a kitchen with an empty chair that scoots across the floor toward her and she spoke to it.
Brett had a dream about a man named Al that lives in the old generator room and he can her a song playing, "Yesterday" by the Beatles.
John felt uneasy about the place.
I told you PoD's and mine.
As Brett and Jan went about deciding/setting up their command post and camera placements we toured around a bit in the dark areas. As we sat watching the monitor once it was set up, Terri saw a dark shadow standing next to Brett in the basement...then it was gone! This was caught on video hope it wasn't something explainable!
Once everything was set up and running, the whole group except for me [someone has to stay behind to monitor the video feeds and check for orbs and such] set off to explore the upstairs first.
That also was a good time to get the group photo before everyone got too tired and grumpy...;}
I wasn't able to get many Orbs and the dust motes were at a minimum so I will show what I did get...
As for being able to stay up too long we all had to crash at 4:15 am!
With the heat and their long drive [6hrs] and my usual crash of sugars...sleeping came easy!
For at least 3 hrs for me!
Kidneys and hot room made me have to get up ALL ALONE...seeing as there was no way I was sitting there all alone,, I had planned a breakfast meal to wake everyone up with. So I took PoD's car, went home for some cool air and made breakfast.
This is not something we normal do for sleep overs but as these guys have become close friends and let us bunk at their place for the symposium, I wanted to do this for them and my grand kids. It was only a baked "Wife Savers Casserole" but was enough to feed them and the kids.
My grand kids are old enough to be alone for hours as they are teenagers [or close to it, JD] and leaving them overnight without adult supervision was hard for PoD. Her father lives right across the street and we were only a block away but still difficult!
After breakfast we toured the building in the daylight giving the newbies a history lesson on the place. This brought us to lunchtime and we parted ways.
Yes...I gave them the key and lets them stay alone in the court house while we all had our naps! PoD stayed with her kids and I stayed at my place!
Until she called and we were away again...
To be I have to get the rest of the story from PoD as I didn't do too many investigations after that...I watched the monitors and kept note...
Stay tuned...
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