Happy Anniversary to me!
It’s been 1 year since my heart “incident” was fixed!
First off…they now call heart “attacks” an “incident” because the “attack” word was too harsh and made it too scary!
Beats me how you can downsize an “attack” to an “incident” and make it feel better…it didn’t help me!
This is my story and I hope that it can help someone else either prevent or recognize what’s happening and your chances!
Hopefully you will be smarter than me!
I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 in 1994.
No…I did not look after myself and follow proper diet and now I have to pay for it!
I have uttered every excuse imaginable why I couldn’t keep up with it and excuses don’t keep death from the doorstep!
I love sweets…especially chocolate! Chocolate made me feel better…the “high” that you get from it supposedly helps the stress.
The sugar helped to close my left aorta!
For those of you who do not have diabetes…don’t think that you’re safe!
Your not if you have cholesterol problems!
The results…the right side of my heart was working overtime and made the small arteries bulge from the exertion!
-Family History of Heart Problems!
This is very important! My mom died of heart failure when she was 36! I made it passed the age of 36 and thought I was safe! WRONG…you are never safe! Stick with the proper diet and live right…you might be okay! I am now 55 and I would like to live longer!
-Being more tired than you should be!
I am a work-aholic and wrote it off as working too much and not getting enough sleep. Keeping long working hours didn’t help either.
-Not able to walk very far or do any hill climbing!
Even the slight incline of this town’s streets were too hard for me to traverse and the short walk to the post office made me breathless!
-Different kind of pain!
My left arm felt numb from the shoulder to my elbow and the elbow joint ached. I always thought the right arm was to go numb and there would be pain in my jaw and neck if I was having a heart attack! I actually ignored this numbness a couple of times when I was out trying to go for a walk! Now I know I could have died then!
-Having that same pain wake you at night!
I was having “night sweats” and the pain in my arm would wake me. I wrote this off as symptoms of Diabetes but the arm pain left me wondering.