Friday, January 19, 2007

WTF…up date!

High Ho…High Ho…back to work I go!

Yup…doc said I’m OKAY!

YES…I do have Irritable Bowel Syndrome Type D but a proper diet can help to control it!

He was very ticked off that I hadn’t received the proper help and had to wait so long to receive it!

Hint to anyone else out there…keep demanding help because IBS is real!

He was able to give me good news…I don’t have any signs of Bowel Cancer!


All my signs of agony and vomiting were due to STRESS…go figure!

With all that I have been going through it just got the better of me and it’s all in my head!

I can live with that!


I can live with that!

There is some sign of damage done because if the IBS but it is very minor and I’m slated for further testing in Feb…but I can live with that!

So now I have my New Year’s Resolution…I get to think only of myself!


Color me HAPPY!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

An addition to my blog [see below]...
Sunday [Jan.14] night I had a dream about my dead sister!
I do not dream about her at all normally...I want to but don't.
I told PoD about it in the morning and we were trying to firgure out what it might mean.
By the afternoon I had my answer...High Ho! High Ho it's off to the doctor I go...!
This makes it 3 times...!
Can we say...WTF?


High Ho…High Ho…is off to the Doctor I go!

Yup…I couldn’t stay away!

It seems my diarrhoea problem has finally caught up to me!

I was diagnosed with Diabetes in 1994 and the medication I took did not agree with my bowels. I lost 50 lbs because of it…which is a good thing for me but not a great way to do it!

This problem caused me to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome Type D!

All medical books and medications have quotations stating…”If you have diarrhoea longer than a week you are to contact your doctor”! I did [many doctors] and got NO results! All said “not to worry”! So why the warning?

Not to be gross…but when you see signs of intestinal fibres in your stools…I say its time to worry!


Seems that I now have feces coming out of two places!

This happen on Jan. 15!

If you have feces going through places where they shouldn’t be going…wouldn’t you be worried about the toxic end result?

I am now in great discomfort!

I have a high tolerance to pain so I am not sure of how much pain I am really in!

This morning I woke up [3:25 am] to vomiting and I am finding it hard to sit for too long…the pain is in my hips and my back aches!

My doctor finally found someone to see me today in the Battlefords and I am afraid it is the start to what may be another operation!

I only hope that I have not developed Bowel Cancer…my dad died from it!

More worry!

Even knowing my history…doctors did nothing!

A positive note:
The scenery to the Battlefords will be different and maybe they will have better magazines to read while I waste more precious hours!

Can’t see the food being any different!

Maybe I should be one of those people who rate hospitals and write books about it or better yet be a consultant! I definitely have the experience!

I’m sure not making any money working at my shop!

Poor PoD has to shoulder the load as usual…but I am thankful that I have her to count on!

Oh by the way…did I mention that we are BOTH down with colds!


Cross your fingers for me…

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I have thoroughly enjoyed this time of peace without having to account to anyone else but myself!

It’s been 2 ½ years and I have never wanted to change this status!

I do have to admit that it is lonely sometimes but NOT THAT LONELY!

Everyone told me that I should try internet dating!

Man…is that an experience or what!

There are many sites out there that the lonely can reach out for someone and many do.

I have tried and found it left me wanting something better for myself!

Ever try filling out their personal pages?

How does one describe ones self without sounding pretensions or in my case…weird?

I want them to like me for my personality…not my picture!

At the young age of 55 [56 in a month] I do not look like a spring chicken and I have health issues! Nothing there to glorify!

The love that I look for is…the old couple who walk down the street still holding hands [no…they aren’t holding each other up] and you can see the love shining in their eyes [no...not the runny eyes from old age]!

You just know they have been through everything and yet they are still together!

Neither one have their looks yet they can share in the joys of both having wrinkles that just don’t matter! This is what I want!

All on the lonely heart sites want to see a picture!

Do pictures tell what is in the heart?

Pictures are for the vain! After all who wants to be saddled with the homely or the over weight?

I would take personality over looks any day!

Why is it difficult to have a relationship through words?

I know some have trouble putting down their ideas on paper [monitor] because they figure that they would come off as illiterate.

Or is it that the written word is hard to go back on!

If you can’t express yourself on paper how are you going to express yourself with talking?

I also do not do phone calls…I don’t need the smooth talking ones either!

I have found many a married man, in this small town, who are on line looking for extra fun! Talk about STUPID…they even have their picture for you to see who they are! They deserve to get caught and I hope that they do!

If I post a picture I cannot remain anonymous!

The last thing a single woman needs is having the crazy ones know you are alone and that you own your own business!

So the final word for me is…dump internet dating!

Mr. Right will find me…if it is meant to be!

But I won’t hold my breath waiting!

I guess you can say…I’M HAPPY BEING SINGLE!

I'll send myself my valentine...I KNOW I can count on ME!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Another chapter in the weirdness that is me!

I was told by someone that I shouldn't write about these weird things that happen to me. It makes me sound like I am nuts!

I think we are all nuts at some time! Others just don't like to admit it!

I write these thing in hopes that others might come clean and admit to themselves that strange things happen that just cannot be explained!

I am well known [in town] as the lady who likes the supernatural and people are always stopping me to tell me about their weird experiences and ghost stories!

One nurse in the hospital informed me that one of the rooms is haunted! No surprize...people do die in I would automatically assume there would be ghosts. The one in question happened to be right next to mine and nurses claim that it is being haunted by children!

I never did get a chance to check it out during the wee hours but PoD did a run through during the daylight and felt that the mirrors in the room made it feel creepy! I agree!

The room that made me feel that was haunted was mine!

During the time I had a roommate all was okay and quiet. Her complaint was the coldness around the windows [she had the bed by the window] and not once did we have any sound of heat going through the registers! All we had was blowing COLD air!

She went home Dec. 22.

I started hearing faint siren sound! At first I thought it was the TV [2 doors down from me] but upon wasn't! This would happen at all sorts of hours! A nurse was in my room at one time and she thought the ambulance was coming! She had never heard that noise before and was creeped out! My kids were visiting one time when it happened again and my son said that it sounded like the water was trying to get through the heat register. Made I tried to forget about it! Then I remembered...what heat? My room was being heated by the hallway heat [they keep the hospital real hot] and when the door was closed the room was cool!

The siren noise would happen occasionally [night or day] during the rest of my stay.

Then the loud banging started!

This only happened in the wee hours!

The noise was coming from the corner next to the supposedly haunted room! It sounded like something was hammering on the register or the metal cabinet standing in the corner! wasn't from the change in the weather or by any wind! I tried getting close to the area but it would quit!

I lost a lot of sleep from the noise and eventually had to yell at it to stop...which it would until the next night!

That lasted for 4 nights...thankfully I got to go home!

Stay tuned for my wierd dream....


I’m finally out of the hospital!

Landed in there Dec. 13 to regulate my sugars and was finally released Dec. 31!

18 DAYS!!

NO my sugars are not regulated and I am no further ahead!

I did learn how to give myself injections but not how much to give…they are still working on that.

My gripe is the incompetence of the dietitian [s] and our lack of good doctors!

The Diabetic Specialist I saw [Dec. 4] sent a letter stating what insulin I should be started on and the dosage.

That’s what I started with and this was written on my hospital chart. The nurses keep LOTS of notes and how it is progressing! It was taking longer than usual and dosages had to be adjusted.

Then my doctor left for his xmas holidays in Edmonchuk!

Finding it too hard to relate back and forth by phone I was asked to switch to the doctor on call…BIG MISTAKE!!

I should have gone home and waited for my doctor to get back!

Did you know that there is a type of insulin that is being used that regulates the sugars real good and works wonderfully?

The only down side to it is…only the rich can afford it and those who are lucky enough to be covered by a “Company” Health Plan [not our regular health plan]!

That is what the IDIOT doctor [one on call] switched me to!

Switching medication puts you back to the beginning…square 1!

All the nurses knew it was the expensive one and kept asking me if I could afford it [NO…I couldn’t] and I kept telling them to check with the drug store to find out.

Yup…no one checked!

And yes the expensive one worked!

And yes it wasn’t covered!

The idiot doctor tried to cover his a-s by saying that he was only picking up after my doctor and didn’t know that I had seen a specialist…after all why do nurses keep records of what’s being done to you if NO ONE reads them?

THANKFULLY my doctor came back!

Back to square one again! We started again with the previous medication…which takes longer! Only the rich get good help!

When you are admitted into the hospital you are asked lots of questions about the drugs you are on, what you are allergic to and what you don’t like to eat. This included the fact that I have an irritable bowel problem which needs NO help in moving!

So when you receive your meals you are sure that this is covered by your special diet and all that is on it is what is good for you. My tray card read “DIABETIC DIET…ALLERGIC TO EGGS” and I felt safe that’s what was on it…all being good for me!


The portions were small enough to cover the amount of food to be eaten but my pills [that I was taking] stated high blood pressure with cholesterol problems [heart operation]. My roommate [at that time] was having high cholesterol problems also and should have been on a different diet than me.


For my diet it is better to eat small meals with snacks to help regulate the sugar.

Even as stupid as I am about sugars I know more than the nurses do about diabetes!

I got great desserts with my meals!

I had assumed that what was on the tray was low in sugars and fats…wrong!

My enemy was the Dietitian[s]!

Somebody forgot to tell them that there is sugar in fruit and some foods and low fat does not mean sugar free!

When I complained about the amount of sugar in my evening snacks [8 grapes, 4 strawberries, 2 watermelon slices, 2 honeydew melon slices, 2 cantaloupe slices and 2 slices of cheese]…I was told “these are made up especially for you and that’s all I was getting”…it was up to me to refuse them. So I did!

The doctor [on call] had the nerve to give me s—t for eating them [desserts] and his word of advice was to walk it off! I did a lot of walking! Walking [and fruit] also helps the bowels to move [which I did not need]…so finding a toilet that wasn’t already being occupied became a challenge!

Here is some of the meal contents: a boiled wiener/sauerkraut, salty soups, hot cereal with brown sugar [already on it so no choice with other sugar], creamy mashed potatoes, processed sandwich meat [salami] on buns, brown beans/tomato sauce and my all time favorite…baked EGG surprise.

The big surprise would have been my ALLERGIC reaction to the EGGS! THANKFULLY I do not have an allergy to EGGS [remember I did not write that on the card…the dietitian did]…I just don’t like to make a meal out of them! But that’s not the point…I COULD HAVE BEEN ALLERGIC [the kitchen staff goes by a list prepared by the dietitian]!

My roommate and I always joked about guessing what the food was because of the blandness…so bland was the egg surprise that I had already consumed half of it before I figured out what it was!


BUT I AM ALLERGIC TO SOME DRUGS…so I kept a close watch on my medication!

The nurses were great but too run off their feet…thankfully I didn’t need a lot of care!

Our hospital is acute care along with long term patients. The long term care takes most of their time and it didn’t help that many of the nurses were sick with colds!

Long term patients should have their OWN staff!

THEY NEED MORE NURSES for the acute ward!!

18 days is a long time to spend time alone with nothing to do! I read many an article in the magazines provided and I hope I don’t have to go back because they now need more books!

To all out there who invest in magazines…donate them when you are done with them to your local hospitals! Lots to read for women…hardly any for men or those who do guy stuff!

I will also gladly donate my time to paint murals in the rooms…white walls SUCK!! Nothing to look at if you’re laid-up and can’t get out of bed!

So I am now returning to the hospital twice daily for sugar checks and injections…sugar is still high so the dosage is still unknown.

The only good thing that came out of being in the hospital for 18 days was that I lost 13 pounds.

Now I get to watch the loose skin flapping as I wave my arms…

My b—ching is done….

Have a great New Year!