Sunday, October 10, 2010


Til Halloween night...

Did manage to add more...
If you can't tell what....
It's the continuation of the orange mini lights/black garland, step-staked fence. Did add the blue-white bush lights to the outer edges...3 on one side and six in the front

Of course my crappy camera shots don't do it justice but you get the idea any how...;}

And in keeping with my title of this BLOG is.....

An ORB SHOT....?

This odd mark on the above [full] photo is located at the left side of the house in the shot.

There is a neighbor's light [across the back alley] that does shine once in awhile but is much higher....and was NOT on!

If it is a dust mote...where are all the others?
We are in FULL harvest right now...dust motes should be everywhere! Just ask my sinuses...;{



Still have the usual vandal....although just a mild one...

If you can't tell what it looks like.....

think of some A-hole, just having to lash out at something!

Probably using their foot kicking at this poor feeble fence...;(

This wasn't meant to be a strong restraint fence....just some light decor?

Did try to straighten it....but these are just light aluminum!

Bet you can guess who it might have been.....

Remember...I have to say "might"...cause I have NO physical [picture] proof!

Do have some facts!

1. Not a well walked area...especially on my front side walk! On the street....yes! One would have to deliberately change their course to do what they did and would most likely try to do worse for having to have had made the effort[?]

2. The party people right next to me have taken jobs up north so the house sits empty [except for her abandoned cats...which is another worry for me] and there has been NO visitors going in or out! I've actually enjoyed this fact!

3. The other neighbor's kid still has the hate on for me! Although he has been somewhat nicer....but could be a ploy....;{?

4. What idiot would stop their car, get out and run up the incline, kick the little fence...then leave without doing more?

Don't think the little sweet heart next door likes me quite yet?

Hope this was the only thing that will happen [fingers crossed]


Still enjoying the wonderment of my pretty sweet peas! Now have seen the red one become full!

Haven't had the heart to cut them either....they deserve to live in the sun while they can!

Besides it's an oddity for the visitors too!

As for the other Halloween part....

stay tuned...;}


Roan said...

It took me a while, but I think I'm caught up now. You are doing well with keeping up with the blogging! I enjoyed reading with my coffee. ;)

Queen of Halloween said...

Thanks for the comment...I was in such a shock that someone did...;} Still love your writing keep it up too!