Friday, December 18, 2009


It's hard to believe its been that long!

 Who knew that something, that was started as a hobby, would turn out to be a way to make a living [ I still wonder about that living part]! Who knew that I would even have stayed in a business that long and it has been long!

Some of it was enjoyable but mostly hard work both mentally and physically!

How did I get started you ask?

22 years ago I was paid for my first hand painted sign by the Wright friends...Nellie and her sister-in-law. It was an Xmas gift [sign] to their husbands for their seed growing operation.

With that sign and getting involved in the community/theater, lead to my being able to make this business work.

My Ex did have a hand in it in the beginning but ended up with me doing most of it alone after we computerized it in 1991. He did invent some handy machines to help make my work easier [ so he could have more time to rest ] so I guess I have to be thankful for that part of his help.

This is a two person operation.

All of the designing and estimating work is done by me. PoD helps with some of the drawings, but it isn't really one of her interests. She does the majority of the cutting and weeding [sticker preparation] and gets it ready for me to install on whatever substance being used. She is also the book keeper! I suck at that!

Numbers and me, just don't get along!

I did great in math in school [many, many, many years ago] and should be able to handle things. Apart from being able to manage the bank balancing, figuring out the tax crap goes right over my head! It doesn't help that every day that goes by it gets worse & worse...;(

I have truly enjoyed most of my work and can say that I'm please with how they have turned out. I hate the ones that last and last and last...;)

I do have ones that were made that still make me shudder! I can honestly say I do try hard to provide something the customer wants and still find it hard to talk them out of it.

I have had the satisfaction of being told that I was right...;)

I wasn't good enough to work in a sign shop in Kelowna, BC?

I had once applied for a job there and was told that I wasn't any good!

My hand painted lettering sucked!

I had to agree with them. It did and still does! Never had a steady hand? AND NO PATIENCE!

In the hand painting time it was always the Exes job to do the too shaky!

Boy was I happy they invented vinyl cutting machines!

The other good part of this business is the fact that I am able to draw/design in the computer!

I'm proud of the fact that I am self taught! I guess at the age of 36 one is still not too old to learn a new trick...;)

It's trying to remember how that trick went that it gets hard...;)

Do I enjoy it?

It's not only signs that I just pays the most. I do enjoy the design work...application, not so much.

What I enjoy the most is decorating for events and making props for them. Theater was the best...I LOVED designing/building/decorations...that is one of my dream fulfillments. My other dream was to be a window display designer. So I love to decorate my home and work place. It's kind of like display work.

Do I want to continue for how many more years?

Not sure?

Will I continue...?


I'm from the baby boomer era so there won't be much of a pension there!

If things continue with the lack of work, I might have to resurrect my white elephant [Jeep] and get a job as a Walmart Greeter in the town south of here!

I do threaten the place by telling it that I'm going to sell it...;)



I will be a good little train and keep a chugging...


HAPPY me...:)


Jeannie (oh and Marvin!) said...

Well done you, on finding a "niche" not sure if I have spelled it right, but I guess you will know what I mean.

I would have loved to have done stage design, just never had the opportunity.

Why is it when we were at school the Careers Advice was so crap?

I wanted to be a window dresser, but there seemed to be no opportunities or openings in a provincial British town way back then.

In the dark ages!

Like you I hate figures. I truly think I am number dyslexic, truly.

Congrats on your wonderful achievements.

I am sorry to be late in commenting, you know, usual excuses, Christmas, family stuff - trying to shop for everyone and get food cooked......I will be so glad when it is all over and I can collapse in a heap.

I am totally impressed with your wonderful achievements.

Jeannie xxxxxx

oh and all good wishes for Christmas and may 2010 prove to be a wonderful year for you and yours!

Marvin xxxxxxxx

velvis said...

you are so darn good at what you do and although we don't say it enough THANKS for all you do!!!

Queen of Halloween said...

Thanks for all your great encouragements you means a lot to me.