Thursday, October 01, 2009


29 days until Halloween...:)

24 days til Sask Ghost Hunters [] come to do a "Halloween Special Investigation" involving a contest looking for someone who'd be interested in being a paranormal investigator for the night in our haunted courthouse.

There is another really special reason why I'm excited about that night, besides getting to do another investigation, is a real BIG SECRET...for now


I just had to share my illness with both my kids and now we are all suffering.

Happily the puking at both ends have stopped!

What still!

I don't remember the bleary eyes and hard to focus, being part of the flu symptoms? Right now I feel some what better for awhile, then a dizzy spell hits me causing nausea but no up-chucking, which is a happier improvement. Driving is strictly a NO right now.

I can now look on the bright side of this illness...saved money, haven't had to buy much in the grocery line [not hungry], sugar levels have been the best ever [sometimes a little on the low side] and tight clothes are now loose again...:)

I've using a nasal spray as I'm sure there is a sinus infection [did go to the doctor but he didn't check that part ?] and the tight head band from the sinus areas is easing up and I have less running of the face...:)

I don't believe I am infectious right now, but have placed a sign on the door warning of the health situation in here and thus they could make their own choice whether they wanted to do business in person or by phone/email.

Work has been rough on the brain as customers want their estimate/design done ASAP. I keep having to remind myself that there has to be an up side to being my own boss/owner and shouldn't have to have my life dictated to, whether I am open to the public or not!

I'm learning that life is TOO short to worry about it!

Other crap:

Today is another WINDY and cold day...makes one want to huddle into a warm blanket and sleep the day away!

Halloween decor has been up for awhile and it's too windy to put my new blow-up cat [with rotating head] on top of my garage today as planned.

One will find that I'm never too sick to decorate for the one occasion I'm crazy about!

Our town is even planning a costume dance this year and I just might do something for that...we'll see


The world is spinning and it's time to go...

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