Yesterday was the first day that I went for a three block [long] walk, without any complaints from any parts of my body...including my face!
The air was so cool and fresh!
The early morning mist finally settled the harvest dust down enough for this poor allergy sufferer to like the outdoors again!
This is one of my favorite times of the year...
The sun isn't as hot and the bugs are gone!
I sometimes wonder if I am part night dweller [blood drinking not on my diet] as the sun irritates my skin and the heat makes me nauseous? But, I know this is the results from the meds that I have to take.
So, when Spring & Fall arrive I am sooooooo happy!
I even had enough gumption [slight headache still] to put up some more of my Halloween decor outside.
Sadly, the blow-up cat hasn't landed on the garage roof...this one is afraid of heights!
Son went back to work & Trebor is doing his "honey-to-do-list" work.
This year was a sad year for yard work.
The grass was lucky to even get cut and as for had to rely on mother nature
I did have the garden tilled with the idea of using the dirt for the garden boxes but needed to have help with building the boxes bigger to hold the dirt... it never happened
Each plot went to weed... told myself that was my "wild flower" beds in honor of mother nature...;)
But now they are great looking, as the flowers/weeds have died and add to my graveyardy look.
I've decided to live dangerously by putting my decor outside this year!
Most people don't have to worry about their decor outside as they live with decent people around them...
I live between two party houses!
Past post on "neighbors" subjects will up date why I say this.
The rumor has it that the house across the street has a new cop moving in but I have also heard that there wasn' I eagerly await their arrival. My hope is, they have young toddler type [too young to roam ;)] and are very protective...let them call the cops and get in trouble with the type that likes to get even when you do complain...
I have screwed, wired, staked and covered all easy access to the decorations and they will have to destroy the decor before they will get it free like they did my decorated Xmas tree last year! All extension cords have my name written all over them so they will have to jiffy mark the whole cord before they get own them!
The down side is when they have to be removed...;(
I've taken photos
As for walking...
I'm starting again this morning, right after this post and hopefully will do so again this evening.
This is a promise I am making to myself, as I feel the "stop walking" that I did, ended me up in this unhealthy mess that my body is in right now! I vow to try to keep it up even when it gets miserable.
I must give a BIG THANK YOU to my daughter PoD who helped me through this whiney mess while sick herself and helping me keep my livelyhood going.
thank you for all of your well wishes too....
Sooooo glad you are on the mend.
QOH everyone is so happy you are on the mend.
enjoy your favorite holiday!!
love yah
Thanks guys...your the best
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