Thursday, August 27, 2009


AGAIN.....WHERE HAVE I BEEN...................PART 2

I've been hugging my heating pad and we are now somewhat connected...?

The pain that was in my left side progressed to the right side and the muscles there are now feeling like hot knives stabbing me all over...

From my shoulders to my hips, I'm in constant pain! There is NO place or position where I am comfortable! Standing, sitting, working are hell after 5 minutes and forget sleeping longer than 3 hours!

I've tried all of the pain killers that I can handle and nothing eases it for very long!

PoD has magic fingers and has the natural capability to massage these sore muscles and has managed to break down quite a few of the older ones but this new area is too tender to touch so I have to wait out the pain until she can get to it. Hopefully there will be some relief...?

Sadly I have had to go back on the illegal stuff and it works better than the other crap the doc wants me to take!

I truly believe that going off of it 2 years ago was not a good thing for me. The illegal stuff makes one more relaxed and all of my back aches years ago [same ones as now] had disappeared long enough for me to forget why I was on the anti-inflammatory drugs in the first place! It took forever for me to get that drug into my system enough for it to do its job on those pains, so now it looks like I'm stuck in that hell again one way or another.

I haven't been able to sit at the computer long enough to try and keep up with my work load let alone whine on my blog so I have really appreciated the few that do try to encourage me to write. And I THANK YOU!

My Moods haven't been too good!

Did have the ultra sound done on the 14 but haven't heard anything as yet.

Was surprised to have the colonoscopy done on the 19 and they were able to tell me right then that NOTHING was happening in the large intestine and the pollops that were there 10 years ago are now gone! Finally some happy news! Dodged that bullet!

Happily my business has picked up but it has added to keeping my stress factor in over drive! I've been busy designing and the sitting at the computer is a nightmare but has to be done. PoD has been a great help and even having BillyRoo home [still not working] to do the other stuff I can't do has helped keep the mood swings with these pains at an even level.


Reporting on the wedding on the 15th will have to wait as it will be a LONG tale of what SHOULDN'T happen at a wedding. It's one that made me quit wanting to be a wedding planner as a side line!

This is as long as I can stand sitting here and I hope this doesn't sound too spacey. It's 3:00 am right now, in tons of pain and I need to sleep BADLY!

Here's hoping I can and that it's longer than 3 hours!


Poopsie aka Blue said...

So sorry to hear your having such a tough time - take what ever you need to get through the pain & discomfort


Wilma said...

Oh Queenie! I'm not happy to hear that you're still in pain.


Roan said...

I had hoped you were busy working and not suffering. Here's hoping you get some relief soon.

Roan said...

Just checking in and hoping you are doing better.

Jeannie and Marvin said...

hey QOH, whatever rocks your boat, and makes you feel better in my opinion.

I am back, and trying to catch up - valiantly!

lotsaluv, Jeannie xxxxoh and Marvin xxx

Jeannie said...

hope the pain gets better real soon though