June 12...
The Oilmen"s Association finally got their act together and dumped a huge sign order that had to be completed by the eighteenth, for their annual golf tournament.
I love the order! Just hate the haste in which they had to be done!
Will be making sure that I give it to them at the last minute...
Grad decor set up is 12 days away!
-4 wrought iron trelises need to be painted black [which makes me sick every time I try]
-4 pillars still need to be put together/painted/ribbon
-5 lamps need to be assembled with lights/ivy/ribbon
-5 pole lamps need lights/ivy/ribbon
-2 candelabras need to be polished
All to be done by just me....?
Why just by me...?
All of the decor is being kept by me and I will be renting them out for other functions. It's a new sideline that I hope to be able to continue with, that will involve designing/building decor for special events.
PoD's slaved over the massive work load helping to keep the business end going while I struggled to accomplish my "Super QoH" endeavors. She managed to squeeze in the wrought iron painting which involved them having to be done outside, yet be protected from our crazy weather. Happily her dad loaned the use of his car port and he lived right across the street from her so she could go home during drying times.
THANK YOU POD for painting those trelises!
June 18....8:30 am we are to meet with the Saskatchewan Ghost Hunters Society that did a paranormal research of our courthouse awhile back and watch their reveal on what transpired during their last session.
Our first mission that morning was to drop off the sign order at the golf course.
We got to visit a bit with the girls that work at the town office in the courthouse while we waited for SGHS to arrive. They were all excited to see what was going to be revealed and jokes were made about moving the town office to another building if it was haunted...;)
The reveal turned out to have special FX added?
By the time the two from SGHS showed up, the weather had started to turn quite ugly!
As we watched/listened to the reveal, the silent moments were filled with crashes of thunder and lightning!
One huge crash caused the phones to go dead on my side of town! Seems lightning hit one of their stations!
SGHS showed us more evidence of things that go "bump in the night" in the courthouse!
You must visit their site [link on side bar] and see what's happening there. Hope they have it on soon. It's hard with all of the footage that they have to go through, have a job, family, etc.
-Chad [investigator] is at the vault door [basement] and as he stood there, he felt something touch him and he said so on the film. The film shows a dark shape [the width of an arm] come out from the vault and connect with him!
-A ball sitting on the basement floor between the two vault doors. Suddenly you see this small shape appear next to it and the shape of it makes it look like something wants to kick it?
-A strange light the goes of and on in the old ladies jail cell [basement] and is caught on two different camera so they corroberate each other.
-In the courtroom a strange light [orb] is recorded coming from the window area, cross over to a big armchair, curve around, head back towards the camera and do a 90 degree turn and heads under the tables across from the window from where it came!
-The infra red light that was positioned in the back lawyer office, to light the area for the camera stationed down the hallway from it to take pictures of anything crossing the doorway, kept going off and on! It was plugged into the electricity, so nothing could drain any batteries! All of the wiring in the courthouse has been checked, so it's not faulty wiring!
-EVP's [electronic voice phenominon]:
-"Get out you f__king kids"...this was during one of our noisy sessions
-"Thank You"
-"I'll try"
During all of this reveal one of the new workers voices some concern on whether she should be worried or not and we assured her that all we have found so far has been nothing but good and NO evil!
All were pleased with the results and will go great towards our Centennial Celebration in 2011!
SGHS are also going to be coming back to our town [July 4th] to record anything that might be in the other historical building here, the old bank building which is now houses library. They will be able to record the whole building as the upper floor tenants will be moved out by then. There has been a few stories on chairs being moved from where they were placed and feelings of being watched...so hopefully we find something of substance.
After that enjoyable time it was back to grad.....
June 25....12:45 pm
The boys arrive with 2 trucks to pick up their Grad Decor and the day begins....
Set-up was "speed-set-up" in the heat!
Someone had the heat on?
Happy someone came to turn it off!
Grade 12 Graduates and their parents...
It was like.......HERDING CATS!
What more can I say!
As usual it got done! 4 hours later!
I was happy to see that they did have some talented people there besides me and PoD so they did manage to do the head table area themselves...I just provided the materials.
The final results....
The "Grand Entrance"....
The "Tables"...
The final project looked like...
I got tons of compliments and LOTS of offers in the future for other grads & weddings...
June 26......up at 3:30 am...can't sleep need to get more designing work done...
9:00 am til 2:00 pm
We prepared and installed this...
Did more designing work......
Fell asleep 3:30.....
5:30 pm...slept in planned to be ther at 5:00, quickly rush to hall to plug in all of the lights and make sure all was well....people already filing in!
9:30 pm I get to the hall early for grad take-down, expecting to have sometime for more photos, seeing as the crew wasn't going to be there until 10:30. Only to be met by people leaving!
There is always this big deal about a dance after the grand march only it never happens! The grads just want to go have their party and get smashed!
I hate speed take downs!
Between the torrents of rain/mosquitoes, 3 men and me, we got all of my decor back into my place.
Happy Grad 2009 is DONE!....:)
BEAUTIFUL WORK AS USUAL QOH--you are so amazingly talented!!
That looks like a ton of work. The results were great. I can see why you got offers. The courthouse-creepy! I'll go check out the link.
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