Since I graduated from high school!
I remember my graduation day celebration just like it was yesterday...
No..........not really
But I do have a few moments:
-50.00 [guess-tament] bride's maid dress

- I was from a large school so there was no classroom pictures and I really didn't know too many of the kids that were in my grade. I started with a new school in grade 10 so it was hard fitting in. The diploma event was held in the school's parents never showed up. They never did take a picture of my BIG DAY and they only one who did was my escort's parents....they made a big fuss
Man was I ever skinny back then....yet I always felt like I was too fat?
The gala event was at a fancy hotel, it was a super and dance. My escort paid for the ticket or otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go. My close friends had planned to drive out to this beach and have our own private party, so we skipped the dance. I had permission to stay out all night so it was supposed to be the most exciting night of my life!
That was the night I had decided that I was going to learn how to drive!
No, I didn't get drunk and drive around crazy like...
I sat watching all of my friends get TOTALLY S___FACED and PASS OUT!
There I sat tending the fire all alone, nursing beer after beer, yet never got drunk...
Trying to stay warm....
Mosquitoes eating me alive every time I had to take a "bush" break...
Monsters and wild animals in the dark threatening me when I did...
All I could think of is how I could get back home without hitch hiking...that was too scary even way back then!
As for the gifts, partying with relatives and friends...nothing.
This was my first BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT and our family's only graduate that actually finished school and GRADUATED when they were supposed to!
I made sure that both my kids got what I didn't when they graduated...with in reason of course...;)
Full filling the wishes on this day is very important to me and I like seeing the glow of happiness from the grads faces when they enter their special world...
Here's what my dress would look like today...
Wish the face was as wrinkle/sag free as well...
You were as beautiful 40 years ago as you are TODAY!!
I think you & your outfit were lovely.
Here in the UK, you have not special day whem you finish school.
You only graduate here from University, if you pass your degree, so most like me miss out.
Take care,
awwwww...thank you velvis
Thank you Blue for your lovely thoughts too.
You were beautiful. I didn't get gifts or a party either. Although my parents did come to my graduation.
I can relate to what you said about how skinny you look when at the time all you could think was that you were too fat. I also feel the same when I see an old photo. Isn't it sad that we can not see ourselves as others do.
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