Well, it's been a few days [10] since I last posted...it's taken me that long to recover from grad decorating!
No.....not really
Just been busy catching up with the other parts of my life...like trying to make money in this crappy economy! The work I have right now is keeping me busy but once that's done and nothing else comes in...I will be pooched! Being self employed guarantees that there will be NO EI for me!
Sadly, BillyRoo's job has been at a stand still and the A-holes have been keeping him hanging on with promises of future work. His position and years put in made him want to stick with his company but now he has realized that he has to move on. Selfishly, I've enjoyed the time he has off as he was seldom around when he was working. For his sake I hope things change soon!
What amazed me is that the world has always said that we are depleting our fossil fuel resources and in my mind that should make oil and such, a rare commodity, making it more expensive to buy. Yet here we sit...with oil at an all time low?
Me thinks the MAN is making money by holding the lowly workers a bay without having to pay them...letting unemployment go sky rocketing!
Not much one can do but hold you head above water and hope it changes.....that sucks!
What I have been doing between jobs, is more stuff for the wedding coming up in August. Most of what I have done is on hold until the future couple come here to okay whats been done so far. That has been the hardest part of working for someone who lives a province away [only 2 hrs away] yet been too busy to come see. I have been sending pictures by email but pics seldom do the stuff justice. Hopefully they don't wait too long....I hate rush jobs.
I did have a weekend to look forward to...July 4th!
The Saskatchewan Ghost Hunters Society from Saskatoon arrived here on Saturday around 4:30 to investigate another old building in town, the town Library. Their group this time was made up of their leader Miles and two investigators [from last time here], Yancy and Chad. They also had their new member with them, Dave, who came along to learn the ropes of "ghost hunting".
They had been asked by the mayor and town administrator to investigate this building due to reports of moving chairs by the librarian's operating the place.
The photo below is taken from our town's history book.
Not much is listed there concerning this building, other than the fact it was called a "federal building" and that it was a bank first then the depression hit and all bank joined together. This one became the town post office in 1934. The post office moved in 1961 and it's now the Wheatland Library.
Nothing is mentioned about the residence above the building.
It houses 3 small bedrooms, with the master bedroom having an old access door to what used to be the old fire escape stairs, this was screwed shut as the stairs had long since been replaced by an iron fire escape accessed by a window. The bath/clothes dryer was separate from the toilet by a separate room, which I found strange as the sink was located with the bath? These were located at the back of the building. The front was a living room/kitchen with a fireplace [that had been closed off due to change in the heating system. The windows held a beautiful view of the country side, which was hard to see through all of the grime on them.
I surmise that bankers and their families lived there first, then it became open to other residents after becoming a post office then a library.
Sadly this building is in need of repair from top to bottom.
One of the interesting spots to me was the attic space with the access to it was by a step ladder! This very bad for me as I am not too crazy about heights, let alone standing on the top end of the ladder to see but I just had to get a shot of what was up there!
Anybody see the movie "the Grudge"?
Well there is one scene where the victim does the same thing that I had to do and that was poke my head up [while thinking of that scene] through the hole and hope that when I turned around nothing scary was facing me! Of course that only happens in movies...;) [phew]
I did take a shot....
Upon looking at the results I thought I saw a large ball shaped object [orb?] in the pic [right side], so I quickly took two more shots of the same area....nothing
What was amazing was the lack of stuff in the attic. Aside from an exercise bike and a few old gas lantern holders, an old bug zapper, it was quite empty and not too dusty. The most scary part was the old insulation that was exposed all over in between the floor beams.
So where were all of the "dust motes"?
I say the creepiest area to me was the basement!
I'm not too crazy about basements in the first place and this one held some creepy little rooms. One room was named the "paintball room" as it was obviously used for that! The weird thing about this room was the huge black cross painted on the wall beside the door. Someone had screwed a shelf to the upper half and it was only upon closer inspection showed the painted cross part? The walls surrounding were decorated with the "Blair Witch" symbols? It was a strange room and upheld the creepy end of the scale!
We took lots of photos of the basement and again no large amount of "dust motes" showed? I did find that it wasn't dusty enough to bother my allergies which being an old place it should have?
After the initial tour it was time to set-up the equipment. This being a much smaller space areas than the court house, coverage should be much better. One of the drawbacks was the street lighting around the place and traffic lights not to mention the outside noise.
They set up a camera in the library because of reports of the moving chairs. In the old vault they placed old vintage money with a game camera to catch any activity? That never happened or if it did it wasn't noticeable to the naked eye...maybe the camera might show something?
They set the main command post up in the foyer which really isn't very large but worked out okay. The previous tenant had recently moved out but hadn't cleaned it up and there was this evil crap oozing from the garbage bag! Living just down the street I went home to get a mop/pail/hot water/cleaner to clean the foyer enough so we could venture around without having to walk through it. That messy clean-up was handled by PoD who added her own gagging noises while she did it. It was funny at the time...but not really?
That grossness done we started the hunting.
As I've said before, this group does only the technical end of paranormal hunting, relying only on machines/equipment to tell it's tale! No psychic feelings! For myself, I felt nothing in the place except for this one moment?
The guys did their routine first and PoD and I manned [wommaned] the command center while they researched the basement. When they were done it was our turn and PoD wanted to do the attic which I wasn't too crazy about as that meant actually going INTO the attic! Going up was much easier than coming down!
One thing I do have to add, is the fact that they still had the heat on! It was registering at 90? So it was hot in there! Upon PoDs and my arrival, we had opened windows to let the heat out but only ended in making the heat come on more. Plus we CANNOT have open window during the research due to it causing unwanted contamination to the info.
So imagine the heat in the attic!
I mentioned earlier that there was loose insulation all over up there and I wasn't going to sit in it! PoD wasn't as fussy as me so she sat on the floor while I perched on the exercise bike. We tried to move around as little as possible in order NOT to stir up too much dust as I wanted to take still shots while up there. I found it creepy at first but later became bored as I got NO feelings what so ever. Then after me asking a question...which I can't remember, I suddenly became COLD! I haven't had menopausal [hot flashes, I never got cold ones] feelings in a couple of years, yet this never felt like it!
One moment I was boiling then I went completely COLD!
I told PoD and got her to quickly feel BOTH my arms which were cold to the touch and she could feel goosebumps all over them....then it was gone and I was back to feeling hot again? It never happened again? And NO I didn't have goosebumps when I felt any creepiness about the place! That was the only time that it happened and if I HAD been creeped out enough about it I should have been creeped out constantly after that episode but I WASN'T!
When a person has had those enough one can tell when it is one or not!
Was I scared at that moment?
Other than that moment all was quiet for me again.
It's this feeling that I was waiting for...it's the response that I go by!
The rest of the evening was uneventful.
There was a few moments where some of the guys heard soft sounds of something, but might be explained away by outside interference. This is where the machines come in handy...hopefully it registers on them?
No chairs moved while we were there!
Around midnight we decided to pack it in!
Before leaving PoD and I both tried to take night shots of the building but the camera wouldn't comply with our wishes and most shots came out blurry? The one shot I did get shows PoD's car window reflecting the flowers on the stairs? Can anyone explain why they appear there when the angle is all wrong?
*DEBUNKED....this is a slap the side of your head moment! Thanks to PoD's memory the flowers in the car window is no mystery...stupid me didn't remember about the flower planter just below the library window on the other side of the car, just happens to hold the same kind of flowers...color my face red!
The guys went home and now have to wade through hours of footage to see if they were successful or not.
Ghost hunting isn't always gratify...it's kind of like watching paint dry. But one does hope for something to appear before ones eyes...yet if it does, one hopes the camera was on because NOBODY believes you otherwise! It's getting the tangible proof that is hard!
So...do I find the boring hours gratify while waiting to see or be touched?
The unknown is addicting and my curiosity knows no boundary!
My conclusion on whether it's a haunted building is...
But NOT a strong one!
I do believe there is something there, as I used to live next door to the place and many a night I would look out my kitchen window and wave to the imaginary person that I hoped would appear at the library window to wave back at me!
It never did...
THAT I COULD SEE............
Creepy! I don't see how the flowers are reflected in the car window, even after I enlarged the picture. You are much braver than I!
oh definitely the creepy vibe going on there!
How you doing?
I like B J Roan, think you are quite the bravest one!
Happy 4th July, although I am late it is well meant!
Jeannie signed in as her dog.....
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