It's been awhile since I've spoken about orbs.
Which must seem strange to some, seeing as my blog title is "Orbs 'r' Us" and I seldom talk about THEM?
Believe it or not, I do, think about other things...;0?
Orbs are always in my pictures, but lately my pics, have been empty?
I can some times sense a presence [spooky kind] in a room. I believe everyone does know " like someone/thing is watching stands up on the back of your neck" feeling?...that kind!
Xmas morning, during present unwrapping at PoD's place, I experienced that kind of feeling!
It wasn't a feeling of dread or sadness, just something extra? It wasn't all of the time...just once in awhile.
There was lots of noise going on: 6 adults trying to talk above 4 rambunctious kids, 8 dogs moving around in the back bedrooms [wanting out] 3 cats ..."and a partridge in a pear tree'...her in-laws were there for the holidays.
I took pictures whenever that feeling came over me. It wasn't until I down loaded my pics, that I saw that, I finally had "Orbs" in some of them!

To the "dust mote people"...where are the rest of the dust motes?
My allergies ran ramped during that melee! The room should have been crowed with dust motes!
It wasn't until a couple of days later that PoD and I talked, that the topic of orbs on the pics came up. She too, had been feeling the eeriness of the corner where we had been sitting. I had never once, during gift opening, mention my feelings about the sensations that I was experiencing. I wrote it off to the overload noises and how my head was starting to hurt...made me feel out of sorts?
PoD said that she had experienced a few odd moments when her company was there. She would catch a glimpse of something that was just slightly out of her sight range. I think the spirits that live with her didn't like excessive noises either!
I like to think that others[?] enjoyed the spectacle was a fun day!
Hope everyone else had their Xmas Spirit too....;0
Very interesting shots! I know that feeling. I get it sometimes at work. I've taken pictures inside the courthouse on occasion, but never found anything odd after downloading.
What! No dust motes? :)...Queen
Hi Queen, Nope, not even one dust mote!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you have a year filled with wonderful. BJ
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