I guess it was time to update the old blog or those of you out there, will think I went the way of the others. Seems more and more are falling by the wayside. I may not blog very often and might seem boring to those who do check in, but I can't see me ever stopping....but my Alzheimer's might think differently?
The best thing I like about easter is the chocolate [that's a word that diabetic people shouldn't utter] and hot cross buns. Too bad sweets help make a person feel better...at least they do to me.
I miss the fun I used to have with my kids at this time of year and how we used to color eggs. It was a messy job but fun to watch how creative they could be. My most favorite job was hiding the treats. Rule was...``those that were not found belonged to the Easter Bunny. As the kids got older the treats became harder and harder to find ;)
My son was supposed to have this weekend off but hasn`t shown up as yet and I fear that he might have had to work. Will be calling him later to see whats up. Normally my daughter has easter dinner at her place but seeing as I have borrowed 4 of her chairs for our play her Dad decided to host it at his. Just as long as I don`t have to do it I don`t care who does it.
Monday we`re supposed to have a play practice then pack up the stuff to travel northward to the festival. I want to make sure that all is packed properly so that all of my hard work doesn`t go to waste...by haste!
I hate the fact that I still have to attend practice just because some people couldn`t get their crap together! Being stage manager and prompter has been the most challenging ever! Hopefully the bad dress rehearsal has shaken some of them up and made them get serious! I have never spent soooo much time running back and forth trying to prompt all that need it. I even made up cue boards so that they would know when they had to go on and what they must do, but do you think that anyone uses them...no! I have been very ``anal retentive`` in my job and I guess that I shouldn`t expect that of others...but I do!
Oh well....Tuesday, I plan on trying to ignore all that`s bugging me and think only of the time spent away from my depressing situation at work. The lack of scenery on the way up there should help.
On a lighter note: All of you out there have a special Happy Easter and hope the bunny drops lots off to you!
Here`s a cute poem that I came across and thought I send it out to you...

1 comment:
Chocolate is my favorite thing about easter, too. Unfortunately, I mailed all of mine to The Grands. They called to say they were enjoying their chocolate bunnies. Hubby and I are having ham and sweet potatoes instead. Happy Easter. BJ
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