I must tell you of my error in reporting a story of my brothers impending trip.
Remember those little games that one played, where someone whispers in your ear, a story, then you have to repeat what you heard to another person? The story that comes back to you is totally different? Well, it seems thats what happened to me! I should have re-reported this earlier but my involvement with our play had become more than I figured and somehow I forgot [old age thing]?
Anyways I reported that my brother was flying off to a scary place and my worries about it? It seems that my sister and I were playing that "story" game! He finally read my account and had to e-mail me the truth. These are his words from part of his e-mail:
"To ease your mind a little, I'm going to Chandigarh, India, not Kandahar, Afganistan. I couldn't run my fat ass quick enough to stay out of trouble in that country. I was scheduled to leave for Chandigarh (it's approx. 200 km NNW of New Delhi and about 300 km from the Pakistani border) today. Some problems have occurred in Chandigarh, and we are on hold. I don't know for how long. As you can see the only danger I will be in, is that I will be close to the Pakistani border.
As to what I'm teaching, well that is not the right phrasing. I'm a welding instructor, preparing foreign workers to weld and write the Equivalency Test set down by the Province of Alberta and the Country wide Red Seal Program. These foreign welders are already qualified welders (tradesmen). So, I'm not a teacher, just an instructor whose task it is to make sure all those coming to Canada are close to the standards set by the Red Seal Programs and should be able to pass their tests when they get here.
I have lots of work in the Ft. McMurray area (leaving Thursday afternoon for 3 days) and if the India trip does not get the go ahead soon, I'll probably be off to the Ukraine, sometime in the middle of March. I'll be gone approx. 34 days. I hope this clears up what I will be doing. You couldn't pay me enough to go to where they're sending our military."
As to what I'm teaching, well that is not the right phrasing. I'm a welding instructor, preparing foreign workers to weld and write the Equivalency Test set down by the Province of Alberta and the Country wide Red Seal Program. These foreign welders are already qualified welders (tradesmen). So, I'm not a teacher, just an instructor whose task it is to make sure all those coming to Canada are close to the standards set by the Red Seal Programs and should be able to pass their tests when they get here.
I have lots of work in the Ft. McMurray area (leaving Thursday afternoon for 3 days) and if the India trip does not get the go ahead soon, I'll probably be off to the Ukraine, sometime in the middle of March. I'll be gone approx. 34 days. I hope this clears up what I will be doing. You couldn't pay me enough to go to where they're sending our military."
Lets say...I have never been so thankful of being wrong! I haven't heard anything since but I always think that's a good thing as "no news is good news"!
My brother was touched that strangers would care enough to worry for him and I must thank those who did comment.
He also reminded me of the story "Why I don't like Monkeys".
In my zoo story, I told about the bear but forgot about the monkeys that we would feed!
These monkeys could quite entertaining and would stick their hands through their cage begging for the food we would bring them. Well there was this one monkey that had a real nasty habit. Once you gave him his food and you didn't have any more he would coax you closer and then pee on you! It was even worse if you didn't bring him food at all! He was one nasty character! I shouldn't blame all monkeys for his misdeeds but they all had nasty habits. I guess to me, the only cute ones... are stuffed!
Hopefully I can find some time to report a little more often but like I said...I'm busy making props and stuff for the play!
1 comment:
Phew! Sometimes it is good to get things wrong!!!!! ;0D
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