We are performing a comedy style play in an "One Act Festival" being held in Kamsack this coming weekend.
Yesterday we performed in front of our second audience, which consisted of about 100 people. We do this for judging our timing for laughter [hopefully] and sound control. All went off wonderfully! We did manage to raise some money for our trip...that was a good thing also!
We did have a few moments where we thought we might not have an audience as someone forgot to unlock the front doors?
Our playwrights: J-Rod and Wilma thought up this great idea about a group of long time friends getting together for drinks and a visit, while sitting on a friend's driveway.
We are sure lucky to have such talented writers!
The name of the play is F.A.C.C. [Friday Afternoon Cocktail Club]
The characters involved [in order of appearance] are:
Nemo...Bubble's husband [unemployed]
TJ....CJ's husband
CJ....TJ's wife [avid blogger]
Bubbles...Nemo's wife [ditzy Real Estate Agent]
Nat...Fitzy's ex-wife [stressed out working mom]
Jennifer...Fitzy's overbearing mom
Fitzy...Nat's ex-husband
Alana...Fitzy's 6 mth pregnant girl friend
The action takes place one summer afternoon on a's our set...

I actually held myself together and wasn't nervous at all...until I stepped out onto the set! My stutter problem hit me once! Thankfully no one noticed but hopefully it was just because I knew the people in this audience. I'm sure that once I step in front of strangers in Kamsack that it won't be a problem [I just have to keep telling myself that]!
Everybody loved my costume and I got lots of compliments on how well the hair coloring suited me. Does that mean I should dye my hair? I am tired of everyone thinking I'm older than I really am...I guess having grey hair doesn't help? Who knows...I just might...I do like the shock one sees when they first set eyes on when I cut my hair short!
Anyways...we are still busy here at work and hopefully I can get a lot done before we leave on Thursday!
1 comment:
TY for info & a great post...
But, where the *** is Kamsack???
I know I'm a pain asking for info.
But, it's only because I care...
Had so much fun with the play group!
who wishes she was part of the back-stage crew again!
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