Last night I sat down to watch our town's fifteen minutes of fame and found that 5 minutes of it went to PoD and Me on the spooky happenings of our courthouse!
The company that produced this little gem interviewed quite a few people for our town's little debut and ended up focusing mainly on the courthouse. It did run clips of the different heritage buildings and other main buildings...school, museum, churches, that show our town's history but it was still mainly the courthouse. Our town's logo building...the Water Tower barely got air time and it's featured on our logo as the top building? I'm pretty sure it has a few stories to tell!
They chose only three people to narrate the facts of the courthouse!
One was the man who spent time with the traveling Judge on his court circuit and who barely new anything on the history let alone knew much about the building itself? The other two were PoD and Me!

I guess our take on the spookiness of that place was of more interest than the tales of other people who actually ran it? Not that I mind or anything because I prefer that this town take that info and use it for a tourist attraction! Our beautiful courthouse should be making its own money and then maybe we could afford to fix it up!
As for PoD and me...the bugging should come soon!
Hopefully it will be people who will want to add their scary story to what we already know and not the ridicule that comes when people do not believe that this place is haunted! If it be known, this town has quite a few spots that have caused me to wonder whether this whole town has some scary history? There have been reports of hangings, shoot-outs with the cops and suicides that others want to sweep under the rug and not exposed to the world...question is...should it be?
Does a town want to be known for it's scare factor?
I say...why not? Anything that can bring in revenue should be a good thing and I think it would make our town pretty unique! There is a lot of people who love the scare factor and if it's too scary for them then they can be saved by all of the churches that we have here!
As much as I am against putting my hand up to volunteer anymore...I would gladly put my hand up for that!
I guess that makes me I'm a s--t disturber...
Yup that's me!
1 comment:
I for one think it would do the town no harm to be known for its ghostly past. The courthouse is a magnificent building & could easily attract tourists. Another job for you, summer tour guide.!
Take care
A blue Blue today, [its 2 years since my mother died]
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