I've lost count on how many people have asked PoD and me whether we are doing the "Haunted Courthouse" or not, this year? We are standing firm on the NOT aspect of these questions!
We were approached this morning, by a member from the Museum, about the possibility of running night tours and such or maybe some tours during the daylight hours about our experiences with the paranormal in this place! It's a thought we said we'd consider?
The town newspaper came out today and one of it's stories is about the filming that was done this year on "Saskatchewan Town's Fifteen Minutes of Fame" series. Our town's story will be aired tomorrow at 7:45 pm on TV. PoD and I previewed a copy of it on the net and I have to admit I didn't like the part about my commentary on the spooky side of that place! The directors also spelled my last name wrong or maybe that's a good thing...I can deny that it's me. My interview really makes me sound like I'm a wacko! ...OH WELL?
Before this, PoD and I have heard rumours around town about us being witches? After this story airs...I wonder if it will get worse?
So far my business and residence has never been vandalized by the bad kids in this town...hopefully it's because the kids in this town fear that we just might be witches? So I guess it might be a good thing?
Guess we'll have to wait and see?
Didn't realise I was corresponding with a TV celeb!!!
Can quite understand why you don't want to to the 'Haunted Courthouse' this year. I for one know how much work goes into it. And this year your acting as well as doing the 'One Act Play' set.
Busy talented lady.
Take care
Hey Blue...
I'm beginning to think I have two entities living inside of me...one who loves to stick up my hand to volunteer for stuff that I hate to do and the other who kicks me every time I do it...definitely a wacko! Must clarify the positions on the stage this year...I'm acting and doing stage managing but THANKFULLY not the set. It's still pretty hectic here without that to add to it! Good luck on the diet! It's seems the more I say diet the more I want to eat?
Stay well...QoH
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