1. Name a movie you've seen more than 10 times...
"Hocus Pocus"
2. Name a movie you've seen multiple times in the theatre...
"Blazing Saddles"
3. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to see a movie...Burt Reynolds at any age!
4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to see a movie...Jim Carry, Adam Sandler & Peter Sellers... I can't chose
5. Name a movie that you can and do quote from...
"Forest Gump"..."Run Forrest!"
6. Name a musical, to which you know the lyrics to the songs...
"Grease 2"
7. Name a movie with which you've been known to sing along..."Grease 2"
8. Name a movie you would recommend everyone to see...
"Halloween Town"
9. Name a movie you own re DVD...
"Rocky Horror Picture Show"
10. Name a movie you want to own..."Hocus Pocus"
11. Name a memorable detective...
Jessica Fletcher in "Murder She Wrote"
12. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what
...Yes..."Thirteen Ghosts"
13. Ever made out in a movie?...Yes
14. Popcorn or Ice Cream?...Popcorn
15. Name a favorite Black & White
movie..."Whatever Happened to Baby Jane"
16. Name a movie that made you cry...
"Bambi" & "Old Yeller"

17. Name best book adaption to a movie...
"The Stand" by Stephen King
18. Name a dog movie...
"Old Yeller"
19. Name a cat movie...
"Cat Woman" [starring Halle Berry]
after all she did become a cat!20. What's the last movie you saw on a plane?...
"Torn Curtain"
21. What's the first movie you remember seeing"...
"The Blob" [the old version]
22. Name a block buster seen...
"Wild Hogs"
23. What is the movie you wish you hadn't seen?...
"The Cradle"
24. What is the weirdest movie you have ever watched?...
"Clockwork Orange"
25. What is the scariest movie you've seen?...
"The Hills Have Eyes" 1 & 2...only because it was a real event
26. What is the funniest movie you've seen?...
"Jerry Lewis"
27. Name a car chase movie...
"Smokey and the Bandit"
28. A favorite movie not mentioned...
"Die Hard"
29. Name a movie series...
"Final Destination" trilogy
30. Name something science fiction...
Finally...I'm done...if these answers don't show how old I am...nothing will!
Now I am supposed to tag someone else to take this test...?
I tag "Wilma" and "PoD" [maybe this will make PoD update her blog?]
Hi there!
Glad you took up the challenge & obviously liked it too.
I enjoyed your list, could have bet on some of your choices! Hope Wilma picks it up.
Sadly, I won't be back in Praireland for a looooooooong time!The fall out from my last visit, my relationship with Little Buddy & his retiring [they are all painfully inter-connected].
So, I'll relie on you & Wilma to keep me up-to-date re Halloween & one act plays etc...
Take care
Nice try MOM! You should know better than that. Now that I found facebook (crackbook) that keeps me busy enough. Besides I am too busy working for YOU! LOL
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