Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Thumber strikes again...OUT that is!

Thumber brought me a present last night....well it was exactly a present as she wasn't quite finished with it yet!

She caught a mouse!!!

At least I think it was a mouse? It was too tiny to tell! All I could hear was this chittering sound [creature protesting] and all I could see of it was that it was quite small & dark looking...it could have even been a mole [not sure if moles move that fast or not]!

She brought it right to me and dropped it at my feet!

I got to see it for just a second and then it ran for safety under the love seat, next to where I was sitting, with Thumber in hot pursuit! I could hear her skittering around under it and then all went quiet?

This peaked Suki's [who had been napping next to me] interest and she just had to go and check it out!

That started a squabble under the love seat and out Thumber came with Suki in hot pursuit!

Nobody had a mouse in their mouth!

Now I am not afraid mice but I don't exactly care to have them loose where I reside...so relaxing was out of the question until I found out where it went or if anything happened to it!

I turned furniture upside down and moved everything possible to find that little critter...nope...nowhere to be found! There wasn't any tell-tale body parts or blood...so I am pretty sure it didn't get eaten! Granted it was so small that she could have just swallowed it!

Thumber proved me right by coming back later and kept searching around for it!

I've got to admit it...that made me quite nervous...thinking about where it might show up and when! That lasted for about 2 hrs and then I had to go to bed.

This morning I got up and walked around slowly everywhere I needed to go scanning for any signs of a body...the last thing I wanted to do was STEP ON IT!

My cats don't always eat the little critters! Usually they like to play with them until they get bored or it dies of fright and then they like to leave me the body to show me signs of their worth!

Nope....no body!

So what I want to know is:
....it still alive and living in a new place?
....did it get eaten?
....do I have to still keep a watch for a body?


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