Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I have been through a lot of blogs and haven't found too much on cats. Lots of dog stuff but not cats! A lot of people have a misconception about cats and hopefully I can help change their minds or those who have a cat[s] will learn something new...I know because I sure have.

Brief History:
All cats are members of the family "Felidea". The cat family split from the other mammals at least 40,000,000 yrs ago [stats from the Encyclopedia Britannica], making them one of the oldest mammalian families. Ten human years translate to about 60 cat years. A 1 yr old cat is similar in age to an 18 yr old human.

There are about 100 distict breeds of the domestic cat. Genetic mutation created the domestic cat which is tame from birth. However if they are not around people before they reach the age of 3 months they seldom turn out to be good pets.

Cats act reserved because their ancestors hunted and lived alone. They did not live in packs and therefore depend less on others. They do not suffer from loneliness like dogs do. Cats are social to a degree but are far more concerned with territorial issues.

Australia and Antarctica are the only continents which have no native cat species.

Stay tuned for other cat facts.....

1 comment:

Headgirl said...

OK,I'm doggy orientated, but I do love affectionate pussies too!