Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Who knows for sure....

Good start.....hmmm

What have I been up to you ask?

BEEN BUSY TRYING TO WORK FOR A LIVING...taking one step forward and five back! Kind of like dancing with myself...;{

I haven't felt much like boring myself by re-reading my all woes, let alone bore the world with them! This year will go down as the all time worse for me yet...financially and health wise. Not really complaing because I know things can and do get worse if I do. So I am taking it one day at a time!

One reason I am writing is that this was to be my 4th year writing this blog and today is it's anniversary! Better trying again than not! Besides I miss venting my frustrations to the world....

So once again I will start anew...

As most all know from media headlines that this year, Saskatchewan's summer, is now known as "Saskatchewan's Summer That Never Was"!

Being one that lived through it...it was true!

Women's fancy shoes nearly came to this...

Happily it never got that bad...;}

But what was happening was this.....

day after day after day after day....

get the picture!

Until one day tragedy struck by the way of horrendously high winds... 

the "Death of Creep Hollow"

I had covered him with an umbrella to help protect him from these elements but it was my undoing too. The wind was strong enough to lift him up and slam him onto his face. My son and I were able to get him turned over but decided to keep him flat on the ground. Sadly this got him soaking wet as my garage and surrounding area got flooded too!

 This is resting grounds for now...someday I will resurect him [minus the arms] and he will be good as new if not better!

As for the rest of the rains.... it made things grow all over!

Grass and weeds just loved it...so did the mosquitoes!

They became bigger...

Everything grew except my beets, which I had planted out front because of all of the sunlight there and I could keep an eye on them?

I had grown spinach and char there last year and they grew great! I  loved the look so I decided to grow beets which are one of my fav veggies along with peas. The peas were grown along the side of the garage and they did really well there.

The only thing bad about the peas was the fact that I have become allergic to them fresh picked? If I pick them and eat them on the spot without washing them, my mouth/tongue and throat would become numb and swell up? If I washed them...they were okay? I don't use any chemicals or sprays so that wasn't it. I had noticed this happening before with snow peas, so I must be allergic to the chlorophyll from them? If that's possible? Grandkids got them so I guess not alls lost

Did spend many days before the rains re-doing my sidewalks in hopes to make my place look nicer and not so dumpy. They turned out okay but became over ran with different types of weeds that made walking on them dangerous!

The town is having it's 100th anniversary next year and are encouraging all to spruce up their places so I did manage to get the front painted in between the rains!


I had planned on finishing the garage door but the weather never cooperated and now it's getting too cold!

I still have to put the awning back on just as soon as I recover it.

I had planted my sunflowers and sweet peas too late and they didn't get to bloom much...birdies will have to do with out my sunflowers to eat. I did get one small sunflower [no seed] and 3 sweet peas

As I said business did pick up a bit. Most of it is designing which either brings in work or as things turn out...not much.

What I did get was TENNIS ELBOW....which baffles me cause I don't play it!

Yah...I know it's caused by rapid finger movement which causes the tendon to hurt. Thank you to computers! This movement is unavoidable if you want to operate one! So now it has to stay wrapped which hurts either way....wah, wah, wah

Don't forget the baby toe I tried to kill off 3 months ago! Reports are in that the stub toe turned out to be cracked and now the crack won't grow together...one now has to worry about infection getting into the bone? Still waiting on that one....wah, wah, wah

Lots more to report but that's it for now.....

Also like to thank BJ and Jeanie/Marvin for showing concern over my abscence along with my bro/sis-in-law's constant reminder to stay in touch here...

So stay tuned...I do have some interesting weirdness to tell too and one goal is to do this daily....once again


Wilma said...

Yay! Welcome back.
Daily posting is a tough thing to accomplish ~ but good luck with your goal!

Roan said...

Woo Hoo! I thought maybe you had moved to Siberia and forgot to tell us. ;) The year is quickly coming to the end, so hopefully next year will be better. Looking forward to the 'interesting weirdness'.

Queen of Halloween said...

Thanks guys! I have a tendency to keep to myself a lot when in times of stress. But most of it is due to the pain I get when I use the computer. Remembering to bandage before I start would help...;} I have even stopped reading your blogs cause it bothers me that I can't blog too.