Sunday, May 30, 2010


"Buttons...Ben and Peggy have done you proud have your first  grandchild!"

And I have a new Great Niece...

This one is special in the fact that it's my deceased sister's first grandchild!

Sadly one that she will never see or get to hold...;(

This is the look of joy I know she would show...

maybe even a LOT more...
[this is an old photo of her holding my first grandchild...
I've added hers instead]

I know that she would love the fact that they named her after her "Virginia [Louise]" and Peggy's grandmother "Lily"...who raised her from childhood. 

It just so happens that PoD's Great Great Grand Mother's name is "Lily" and it was a family tradition in their family that all the girls all have flowers in their names. [I didn't know that at the time of my daughter's naming, her grand mother's name was Daisy Violet and Lily Rose was her mother's]. So how weird is I'm sure PoD and Peggy never discussed that fact.

Lily is such a pretty name too!

But what do I want to call our new addition...?

I like the two of them together? VirginiaLily...but you kind of say their whole name together like that when your angry at them?

We all called my sister by her nickname "Ginny". But in her final year, she mentioned that a few women in her town called her "Virginia" and she kind of liked it better than the name "Ginny". Her husband could never wrap his tongue around the name "Ginny" so he called her "Jenny"?

So, seeing as our younger sister and I had changed ours to the ones we liked, it was only fair that she get to change hers too!

In my last conversation with her [on my birthday, 9 days before she died] I did jokingly say to her "Luv you...Bye...Virginia" before I hung up...?

My first comment to my daughter upon seeing this first photo of Virginia Lily was... "what a cute little button nose"! PoD then replied, that she had "her, button nose" have I nicknamed her "Buttons" by my first response?

But "Buttons" is my nickname for Ginny now!


I'm sending out a mental vibe......mmmmmmm

Any of my fans and lurkers out there got a comment on which one I chose...and why I might have?

1. Virginia

2. Lily

3. VirginiaLily

4. Ginny

5. Buttons

I won't tell you until you tell me...;}


Snooty Primadona said...

I adore the name Lily, but I also like Virginia and Buttons is a cute nickname. Decisions, decisions! Okay. I say go with your gut feeling, LOL!

Letty - A Little Girl With A Curl said...

well I think Virginia Lily is the most beautiful name.

And if she wants to shorten it when she gets older, Ginny sounds good and quite trendy, and Lily is also a lovely name.

I don't like nick names, I just think Virginia Lily is beautiful.

Perfection. The photo is so lovely too.

I am sure your Sister would be so proud of her.

Btw I am Jeannie of Marvin Fame and The Allotment Blog, just signed in as another of my personalities.....xxxxxx

Green Jeannie said...

she looks lovely! And a good day to be born on.

My daughter was born on 29 May - she is beautiful too!

Jeannie xxxxxxxxx

Wilma said...

Why not Button?

Roan said...

I'm thinking it would be cool to have another Buttons. She is beautiful, by the way. Lucky you. A baby to snuggle. My youngest grand is almost 4 and thinks he is too big to rock. ;)

Queen of Halloween said...

Thanks to all who commented! From the very beginning I knew it was going to be a girl and I had already named her in Button's little button...;) The cute little button nose proves how right I am...;)
And I can hardly wait to see/hold her.

Roan said...

I love it, Button's little button. Good choice. ;)

Lisa said...


If you want to add more fun to your summer of health and fitness, come joind Tiffany, Kathy, Kiki, and I over at Kiki's new blog :-) Just add yourself as a follower there, we are sure to have a great summer of fun :-)

I hope all is well....
