Monday, May 04, 2009


This is what I called my blog mainly because this "object" has been a questionable wonder to me for quite a few years. 38 years this coming Father's Day.

In my introductory statement of my blog page I stated that my first introduction to this phenomenon was in 2001, when actually I was introduced to this item in 1971.

I was going out with my boyfriend [soon to be husband] when Father's day rolled around. I was amazed that he had never celebrated that day with his dad let alone buy him a present. His father and mother had split-up when he was young and he had chosen to live with his dad so it puzzled me that he never showed his appreciation with a gift.

I talked him into buying him a real nice shirt & tie.

His father responded to the gesture 3 days later by hanging himself with the tie while wearing the new shirt and sadly it was his son that found him!

-note that the writing has changed to italics.....believe it or not, I can't seem to change it back! This happened on it's own.......:o?


I felt really bad as the gift was my idea but couldn't understand WHY that man would do that? There was a suicide note saying that the gift was a parting gift and his son was a traitor?
To this day I still don't understand just what went on there?

Three days after the funereal I was trying to get some sleep [I was living at home at that time, my room was in the basement] and thoughts of "what if I hadn't said anything" were going through my mind. My dog was with me and was trying hard to comfort me. I must of dozed off when I was startled awake by the sound of her growling next to the back of my head.

I opened my eyes and saw this bright ball of light about a foot from my face!

I was lying on my side at the time, facing the window, and watched as it hovered there for a few seconds then it moved quickly to the foot of my bed. It paused for a second [ I felt like it was LOOKING at me] then it shot straight up to the ceiling, made a 90 degree turn and shot straight out the window [which was closed at the time]! This ball of light did not light up the room and it was the only source of light at that time so....

I reached up, without sitting up, and turned on the light!

My dog was then at the foot of the bed growling and whining while looking towards the window!

I know I didn't dream what had just happened, unless my dog had dreamt it also!

The feeling that came over me right after the incident was that it felt like it was my boyfriend's father!

The short time that it was in front of me it felt sinister yet changed when it moved away?

Needless to say, I didn't go back to sleep after that and sat staring at the window just in case it might come back. It didn't help that my dog would occasionally growl or whine while looking there too. She never liked going into my room much after that and I didn't either!

The memory of that moment came back to me last night in a dream...actually more of a nightmare!

In my dream I was being followed by this light source through a house [didn't recognize the place] and couldn't get away from it! Happily I woke to find that it was a dream yet it felt so real!

This weekend the Calling Lakes Paranormal Reasearchers are coming to record more of the court house and will have a CTV crew with them.

I'm hoping this dream is just my excitement of them coming and not something that I will encounter while there!


We now have to wait for the 22 & 23 as they had to postpone this weekend visit...:(


Roan said...

Strange how a man could do that to his son. Says something about him, not the son. The orb thing is really scary! Not something I would care to experience. I probably would have left the room screaming, never to return. I've learned something new. Orbs do not light up the room. I may go back in and use that in a book I've written, but still editing! I'll be interested to know what happens at the courthouse.

Queen of Halloween said...

Sadly the son died young [long time after we divorced] he was never the same after. I did feel like running too...I was too afraid...:) As to the orbs... I'm not sure about all of them. The paranormal group and a town member saw "white" orbs with their own eyes and said the room glowed blue? It didn't light up...just glowed...