Sunday, May 17, 2009


Things have been a tad busy around here this past week!

LOTS of designing/estimating to do. I call this down time, "NO MONEY" time...but very necessary to my success. Estimating means your in the bidding area but doesn't mean a paycheck for the time lost! There are a lot of tire kickers right now. I don't lose many bids...if I do, its because of the massive amount of time spent on idea thinking/putting to paper.

It's been a roller coaster ride lately! No work means depression = food = weight gain = depression = sweets = sugar too high = depression =.....

When its slow...I eat [see reasons above]
When I'm busy...I'm too tired to eat right [I could have spent the down time preparing meals for busy times but I would eat more doing them?]


That's my favorite part of the job. Hardly ever need to design or do estimates! Plain & simple!


The work that I have done...I have to WAIT for them to pay me...?;(

My foot has been healing nicely but sitting at the computer for hours make my feet swell....

Any kind of work involving standing makes my feet swell...

Can't go for a walk my feet swell...

Grad committee [heavy hitter] cajoled me into doing decorations again so brain is into designing hell...

Gothic wedding decor coming along great making it a happy whine...

PoD & Family has gone away for the long weekend...;(

Whine, Whine, Whine!

If I don't watch it I'll get SWHINE FLU!

But...Hey there is an UP-SIDE to all of this whinery...


That headache is finally over...all I have to do now is wait for the money...

I've got a really good meme to do from Blue and it's called "10 things that you have never bought" and it has me realize that there isn't much that I haven't bought and even less that I want to admit to....


Stay tuned...


Roan said...

Congrats on the sale of the building! I'm with you. Having trouble thinking of things I haven't bought, that I wanted anyway!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the sale of the building--big relief I bet!!


Wilma said...

Wow! You sold the place! I'm so happy for you.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I do hope you feel better soon, diabetes is such a pain.

My Jeannie is a diabetic, she has been on insulin since she was 18 years old.........and now she is about 900 years old, so she is probably an antique diabetic.

The meme sounds fun, but my J has kinda bought everything too!!!!

We will stay tuned now we are back in the land of the working computer with an axe through it.

love from Marvin xxxxx

oh and Jeannie xxxxxxx