Friday, March 07, 2008


Been finding it pretty hard trying to keep my blog going, whilst slaving at the designing/building/painting our stage set and props! While I am doing this stuff my mind never stops...

Suddenly "a flash from my past" reminded me that I had designed and drew my first stage set in grade 4 [9 yrs old]. It was a Xmas skit about Santa and 3 Dwarfs named Hardrock, Coco and Joe. The set was Santa's sleigh and his reindeers. It was also the first time that I even performed! I played "Joe". Our whole class had to audition for the parts.

I just had to look it up and believe it or not...there it was. The info on it said that it was written in 1951.

I was even able to find the video version of it...

I guess the old Alzheimer's isn't as bad as I thought it was!

1 comment:

Roan said...

Oh My! I immediately recognized the 45 cover, and unfortunately remember the video. Ages me for sure! Isn't if fun revisiting the past? BJ