Saturday, October 13, 2007


Maxie does not have CANCER after all!

Thankfully we waited for the blood tests to come back before deciding his fate! Doctors can be wrong on visual diagnosis and one must get that second opinion...this being his blood work-up.

The best words in the world was hearing the doctor's assistant say "we have GOOD news"!

Seems what they were seeing, when doing the physical, was his throat/gum area at the back of his throat was raw and swollen on both sides, with lacerations! His blood worked showed that somehow he had most likely swallowed some cleaning substance that might have happened while drinking water out of the bathroom sink, toilet or tub at some point. Or maybe while laying in the bathroom sink [because it's warm] and might have picked up some leftover residue cleaner that hadn't been completely been washed off and was ingested while he was cleaning himself.


His ailment didn't just happen overnight! This happened over a long period of time and had been slowly eating at his throat! The vet says that these substances can be picked up anywhere people use these harmful cleaning substances and even the pesticides outdoors...all can be picked up on the fur/paws and subsequently ingested! All it takes is for something to open the skin and the caustic stuff will do it's job!

It's not only cats that have this problem...this can happen to your dog!

Hopefully this can be reversed! Maxie has had to stay the weekend at the vets because the next 48 hours is the deciding factor whether his health will pull him he's not "totally out of the woods" as yet! One good thing was that his liver hadn't shut down and there seems to be no damage there!

I'm still waving my magic heath wand in his direction hoping that anything might help him to get by this!

Maxie after all is MY HERO...without him my daughter and grandson might not have survive the intruder that broke into their house in Edmonchuk 7 years ago! He deserves to live a long time!



Headgirl said...

Hi there

Glad things have worked out well for Maxie.
Have you checked out the weird Halloween sites I've found...
I haven't hugged a pet today more interested in catching a mouse!


Anonymous said...

Hey Blue
I've been trying to leave a comment on all of your blogs and a few others and I seem to be restricted! I agree with the catching of the vermin...humane or not! Animals are a lot crueler! Will check out the halloween you've mention...TY