Saturday, September 01, 2007


Yep...I can say for sure that the party kids have moved out!

Being that this is a long weekend...the kids would have gone wild and broken glass would have met me at my door!

Last night it was eerily quiet with only the sounds of the crickets calling out for their mates.

Ah....peace at last!
The pessimist in me wants to ask...for how long? In analysing the situation I figure that they need to NOT having destructive kids in a house they are trying to sell! The other scenario might be new renters with young nosy kids! Or worse owners with young noisy/nosy kids!


As for the neighbors on the other side of me?

Today is the 1st of the month and reason tells me, that if they were going they would've been gone by now! Unless...they have until the middle of this month...or that they have finally found work...or bad kids is making it impossible to move at this time?

Why do I care?

I would like to do work outside around the place...fixing it up and adding special touches. How can I when I'm constantly finding broken glass cups, bottles and garbage laying around. All looks like they've been hucked over the bushes that separate our places! If I put out any ornaments or lights, I can guarantee that they'll either be missing or broken! Having any energy to complete these tasks is one do it and have it destroyed is another!

Am I worrying needlessly....who knows?

I have learned through the years to pay attention to all of my "little feelings"! the way...
I am submitting this at home on BillyRoo's new laptop that he left for me to use. So now I don't have to go back to the shop if I want to update my blog! I can't do any designing work on it yet [needs more graphic space] but then I should be able to not have to work on weekends! I still have to figure a way to get my photos on here though?

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