Sunday, April 01, 2007


A rarity in its self...a night out...its been so long!!!

Last night PoD & I attended our 18th theatre production in Dodge.

It was a wonderful night...a little chilly outside but thankfully with no snow!

We sat with Wilma and Fancypants. We are all members of this theatre group but this year neither of us had anything to do with this production. We FINALLY got to just sit back and watch!

This group managed quite well without us!

We attended the "Meal" night and the food was fantastic as usual...this is catered by some of the town's women who volunteer their time to support this dual effort.

Our Hall is maintained mostly by what our theatre/supper productions bring in and thus far we have made over 85,000.00! I think all of us deserve a big pat on the back for all of the hard work and long hours that we have put in to accomplish this feat!

It felt great to be an "audience member" and I have been asked many times whether I miss it or not? I'm sorry to say the answer is NO!

I was in it from the initial start up [16 productions] and I found that I always put way too much effort into it thus making my home life/work pay for it. Tiredness and stress made me into an unlikeable person! I do have to admit that I would like to be there on the final nights but there is much more involvement than that needed! I have decided to help out only for "Festivals" which is where we get to travel throughout the province and compete in "one-act" productions. That time is still stressful but I can handle that just as long as I don't do both!

Anyways I digress...back to my evening out:

Our "new" group did a fantastic job! Their performances were perfect and their portrayal of their characters were quite believable. The audience response was wonderful and when it was over they got a "Standing O"!

This production [titled -The Man With the Plastic Sandwich"] was about a man sitting in a park trying to enjoy his lunch and the many people that annoy you when you would prefer solitude...the end results with them...helping out the character to realize his goals.

The main character was played by J-Rod. He held the production together and his ability to make people laugh helped to pulled it off. Pebbles [who also produced this play] was his first encounter and this being the first act was the longest and had tons of lines for the characters to slip-ups that I could see. The second act was the introduction of Tomado Splat who was acting for the first time [was past Director] and he also did a great job! The third act was played by a first-timer and it didn't look like she had any stage fright at all! They also added a small cameo for someone who wanted to try a small part...she was a nice diversion.

So all-in-all it went great!

I did over-hear some negative comments about some of the context of the play but I have found that in this is to be we have a lot of "prudish" people! We have never been able to please them in that sense and it does hurt ticket sales for the next year...but what can you can't please everyone!

I did get a "honorable mention" in the "thank-you" part of the play introduction. They needed to use one of the trees that I had made for our halloween & one-act play productions and I also had some "greenery" that they needed to borrow from my shop.

In our past productions we also throw someones name or business name into the play...just for laughs and Wilma's name got the laughter this year.

Betty had the honor of doing my old job which was Stage Manager/Prompter/Program Designer & Tablecenter Pieces...all which were done wonderfully! See they don't need me!

Sir was on "Lights" and The Great One was on "Sound" screw-ups there!
New people held the positions of Director & Videographer.

I am so proud of the wonderful work that we do for our community!

PoD and I had to leave right away after it was over because of "kids-at-sitter" and for me the combination of people with too much perfume/hairspray/cologne/half a beer...aggrevated my "itis" we got to miss the "Social Time".

The other part I enjoyed about going out is seeing people that I haven't seen in a long while and catching up on their lives. I had quite a few nice comments from them about the shortness of my hair!

I had fun with my "Night Out"!!!

I should really get out more often!

Oh by the way.....HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY.....and it didn't snow!!!


Wilma said...

Well, the snow came now, huh? Drat!

Also, I think you forgot that Tomado Splat was in last year's production playing Bernie-With-No-Pants.

Anonymous said...

Oops...must be that Alzheimer's thing...I stand corrected.
Yeah it snowed after I had posted...must of jinxed it! Thankfully it melted huh!

Wilma said...

I don't mind if it snows if it disappears right away. But I've just about had quite my limit!