Monday, April 09, 2007


Suki has been either helping me out...or is frantic that I'll forget something of hers in the move!

So far I have received; 2 scraps of vinyl, 1 Muppet toy, a pen & 2 kinder toy cars.

I think she's either bringing me stuff to pack for the garage sale or she thinks we're moving again and wants me to pack some of her things.

I'm not sure which one?

I can tell that the chaos of the house/shop cleaning/clearing [a rare sight to all] has upset both cats.

Suki hates it when I'm doing laundry because hanging up and put away my clothes makes her think that I might be going away for awhile, so this packing & moving of boxes has her stressed.

Remember all boxes are hers!

It's making her quite clingy!

Not to mention having to shoo her out of the box every time I turn my back!

Thumber has been making like "Lightning" every time I move something!

She thinks I'm unearthing all of her toys that she has lost...which was always under something! She bolts in like "Lightning" and grabs the missing item, tripping me in the process. Suki's attacking her while protecting her boxes that she thinks Thumber is after and not the lost know...CHAOS!

Tomorrow cats stay up stairs while we are working!!!

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