Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Halloween! 25 days left til Witching Hour! 21 days left til the haunt!
Feeling like a witch right now!!
As usual the closer it gets to the haunted courthouse time all of my "supposedly helpers" become spirits before their time. You know...disappear!
It's amazing how full their lives are and I have nothing going on in mine! I love how people think it's a great idea to have this event just as long as someone else does it! But you know...I knew that was going to happen! I did hope that I would be wrong!
This will be the third time for the haunt...maybe it's 3rd strike your out!
I don't mind doing the set-up with just PoD & the Minions because when you have too many people helping [what's that?] you have to be in too many places at once. But when workers for the "running of the haunt" can't find the time to help or that it puts such a strain on their lives makes me wonder why is it that I do this?
I love Halloween! That's all there is to it! Yes...I do know that not everyone is into it like I am and I don't expect them to understand my passion!
It is the one time that you can be what ever you want and be devilish without hurting anyone! Halloween is like a big movie set....nothing should be real! Everyone talks about their inner child and this is the one time when we learn to laugh at ourselves and at others without causing hurt feelings!
I observed the workers during the other two haunts and they had a blast and when it was over they could hardly wait til next year's haunt! Until the next year comes about and it starts all over again! Empty promises!
I don't know why people think that I have a magic wand and with one wave...Poof and it's all done.
I'm still looking for that wand!!!
I made a promise to do this thing and I will keep my promise no matter how much it takes out of me! There will be a Haunted Courthouse!
Lastly....I know I can count on my family to be there!
Time to get back on my broom and fly off to find that wand!
Orbing out....QoH

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