OR some kind of crap like that...
7 years ago I got rid of a very BIG pain in my life...the Ex [not completely cause of the kids] and thought my life was finished with the agony of all involved with love!
You know those dating sites that lonely people join to find their "one true love"? I joined quite a few after my release to freedom and then later dropped all of them, due to poor selections and the fact that I'm JUST NOT LOOKING!
Seems cancellation of one site never happened because I have been receiving many hits on that canceled site of late?
Here's my latest wannabe friend...
61 yr old/Married/Straight/Available
86% my match/70% my friend/35% my enemy
Montana, USA
My self summary...
I'm an older, wiser (well, I'm told I am anyway), educated, and open-minded guy. Dominant in my chosen lifestyle and prefer it that way. Enjoy meeting people online or in real-time, getting to know them, chatting, and seeing where it all goes. Not a prude and sexually adventurous, accepting, and sometimes demanding. I'm secure in who I am and welcome all genders, sexual preferences, long as you're able to be open, honest, and truthful. I adhere to non-traditional relationships; i.e. Polyamory, non-monogamy, open-relationships, bdsm, and swinging lifestyles. I'm NOT your run-of-the-mill guy. While I may seem simple on the surface, I tend to be VERY complex. I can be demanding and easy-going at the same time...and NO that is NOT a conflict of interests. I uphold very specific values and expect the same of my partner(s) or friends. The best way to know me is to take the chance and give in to your curiosity by contacting me and asking questions. I guarantee you will get a honest and direct matter the nature of the question.
I am Cerebral, Abnormal, and Wicked
What I am doing with my life...
I'm working towards retirement (aren't we all?) and enjoying my friends in the BDSM lifestyle. I enjoy sexual sharing and openness when things "click" between myself and others, which isn't that often. I'm very happily married to my slave, slut, wife and soul-mate. I stay busy at my job as a Computer Support Technician. I also run my own computer upgrade/repair business on the side. Busy? Oh yeah!!! However, I make time for my friends, lovers, and getting to know people. When I find the time, which is rare, I like to spend it making friends online from around the world by using various video chat programs. I also like to write when I find the inspiration and time. In fact, if I keep adding to this profile, I'll wind up writing an auto-biography...and wouldn't THAT be boring?
I am really good at...
I should most likely have someone ELSE write this part, but I'll just mention some of what others have told me. English, computer hardware upgrades, reading, flogging, pressure points, writing, and other little things that escape my memory just now. Now to expand on each of these points. ENGLISH: I enjoy writing. I'm also VERY critical whenever I read something written by matter that person's status as layman or professional. (I tend to edit books that I read and glaring errors stand out and bug the begeejus outta me.) COMPUTER HARDWARE: That pretty well says it all. I can be a VERY logical person, but I DO NOT enjoy writing software or dealing with it. I concentrate on the hardware aspects, drivers, operating systems, internet security, and networking computer systems. READING: I'm an avid reader...mostly of fiction but also of self-help and technical journals. You'll often find me reading a book to pass what few minutes I have free, just to relax. BDSM: Well, the flogging part is easy. I also tend to use paddles and other various instruments of "ass" destruction on CONSENSUAL adults. The mind is a wonderful playground and I seem to have ability to focus on some people, see inside them, and by implementing various methods, many of them seem to wander into a wonderful place of nirvana. Pressures points can be used for pain OR pleasure, and I've learned a trick or two in using them. They are especially effective during a mind-fuck or certain other bdsm scenes. WRITING: My missives tend NOT to be short and I constantly have to remind myself to shorten them. (Just look at this I'm seldom totally satisfied with my work and can always think of better ways to say things or things I SHOULD have said. I tend to write in an educated (read academic or stuffy) manner for the most part, but CAN be humorous, lighthearted, and kinky at times. You never know what will drip from the tip of my pen.
First things that people notice about you...
My openness, friendliness,the duality of my personality/nature, and intensity. I suppose I should add to this part. The OKcupid and Briggs/Meyers tests list me as a bit of an INFP , but I can also be very out-going and gregarious. I have a quick wit and tend to use humor to defuse tense situations. There are also times where I may be quiet and introspective. People feel that I'm trusting in that I give everyone the initial respect and acceptance of who they SAY they are because that's how I prefer to be excepted. I'm also non-prejudiced and lack tolerance for those who are. People notice my preference to practice the "golden rule" of treating them as I would like to be treated.
Favorite books, movies, shows, music and food ...
Anything Star Trek (SciFI), James Patterson (most mysteries), John Norman, James Herbert, The Marketplace Series, CCR, Tom Petty, Older Rock n Roll, classical, instrumental, some of most genres of music, and books. Mexican, meat n potatoes, American cuisine. One thing that's my favorite American (southern) dish is good, ole navy beans and ham or pinto beans with bacon. Mix either of those with a side of GOOD cornbread and some fried taters and I'm in heaven. (Not great for the cholesterol, but sure tastes good.) I originate from the West Coast but my parents were from the South, so those foods are the ones I prefer most. Foodwise, I tolerate eating things that swim or fly, but you won't see me eating any fish or fowl that often. Music is wonderful and I almost always have some going in the background. I'm not much for the lyrics (but SOME do catch my attention) and mainly listen to the rhythm and matter the genre (and yeah that includes SOME rap.) Two songs that come to mind that kinda epitomizes me are Charlie Pride's old chestnut, "I'm Just Me", and Uncle Kraker's "Follow Me."
Six things I could never do without...
Books, movies, music, computers, my slave, friends, and a roof over my head. Of course I need the other necessities of life like air, water, food, and shelter. I also need solitude now and then, and open, honest, close friends. I need the sexual stimulation and closeness of good friends, lovers, and companions. While raised in the Christian sense, I need my sense of spirituality which encompasses many other religions, including pagan. I NEED honesty, integrity, and respect...both given and received. If you can't provide these things, then it's doubtful that we would be a good match.
I spend a lot of time thinking about...
BDSM, polyamory, sex, computer hardware, movies, multiple-partners, traveling, and various other places my mind wanders. As I've mentioned previously; I can be a VERY complex person most of the time. My interests are often eclectic and varied. My mind will stick on one thing for a while, almost to the exclusion of everything else. I enjoy good, honest, intellectual conversations about almost ANY topic. You'll find that nothing is off-limits for discussion in my book. With the exception of Lust, you will also find that I DETEST any display of most of the other negative emotions that Pandora released from her box. I can be playful and creative (and my thoughts will often wander in that direction) but I am also VERY forthright, verbose, and open-minded although I DO have my own, definite opinions. I AM a thinker...sometimes to the exclusion of DOING. Is that a fault...well, maybe, at times.
On a most typical Friday night I am...
Home with my girl and sometimes entertaining friends. I don't really go by the standard workweek except that's how my job dictates my free time. I tend to stay busy all the time but I'm NOT a workaholic. I enjoy watching a good movie or television show or spending time talking about our lives and where they might go in the future. I'm impulsive at times and like to enjoy whatever my particular mood or inclination takes me...whether it's listening to music, spending time online, talking, or having great sex. It's all good and we need all those things. It's just best when it's spent with like-minded friends and those closest to you. My friends tend to be part of my extended family, some with whom I share extra benefits. It's not always what you do for fun and relaxation as much as who your share it with.
Most Private thing I am willing to admit...
Can't think of much to put in here. I'm pretty open and honest about myself. Want to know something? Just ask!!! I'm often a private person in some aspects, but that's not something I think about. If something is private it's only because not everyone would understand or accept those things. I'm not hiding a thing, however. I will gladly tell you about any private situation or moment in my life. I've had a long, full, and exciting life and have so many special moments that I don't honestly know what ONE thing I'd put here. Hence, my suggestion to contact me and ask.
In regard to my interests in polyamory, I will openly admit to certain things. I am married to a wonderful woman who is the light of my life to whom I'm intensely dedicated, as she is with me. I am not ashamed of my views even though others may reject our standards or not agree with them.
You should message me with...
You can deal with (notice that I DIDN'T say AGREE with?) most, if not all of my, points of view. You MUST be open, honest, and sincere. No fakes, phonies, or wannabes...just real people. You need to want to be a friend and see how we would connect in that aspect. One thing I DEMAND and EXPECT is mutual respect with no prejudice. I guarantee that you will receive in return whatever you send to me. I answer all my messages and mail, even if it takes me a while to do it. Just like you, I have my own ideals and opinions...I respect you for yours and ask that you respect me for mine. If you want to expand your horizons in some areas: contact me. If you want to share similar interests and thoughts: contact me. If you can't be open and honest about your feelings, interests, desires, or just want to disagree with mine...then by all means move on. I'm not the person for you.
**UPDATE: It seems a TON of people look at my profile but nobody writes, comments, or otherwise interacts with me once they peek. Guess I don't have the right equipment to be that much of interest or I'm just plain scary and too old eh? Oh well, being a voyeur can be fun at times too...weg.
I do remember filling out a profile and I know for a fact what I like and I am pretty sure everything that he has listed IS NOT compatible to me...86% my match, 70% my friend...with ONLY 33% my enemy...?
More like flip those stats with 86% being TOO low of a number on the enemy scale I say! I'd rip that guy a new "____"....if was up to me
But each to their own they say...
The only thing that guy has got going for himself is that he is positive of what he does want and doesn't hide it and the fact that he's willing to add that there is a possibility that he MIGHT be a little on the scary side....
I'll PASS this one....
Anybody else interested...his age choice is 27-70....;{?
Just hope your ass is up to it....;{
My first thought was to report him to the cops in his area and ask whether he might fit one of their scary suspects...?
As for the rest of my interesting life...
Sinus are acting normal for this time of the year...gotta love the itchy eyes and how they love to run with the dust and crap, kind of keeps up with the nose...big sigh
Our snow is almost gone and I saw my first robin on Sunday...there's even been some new little birdies that I must try to photo and see if anyone knows what they are? Sadly never have the camera handy when I do see one...hope they stick around for me to snap it. Our area is a main fly zone for a lot of different species of birds, so one wonders if some get lost...;}?
My slow time never hit...designing like crazy but money never appeared? I HATE TIRE KICKERS!
Been busy giving out FREE advice on grad decor ideas and the parade float signage is starting...but these are just proposals. My main customer's, the oilfield, is on hold right now due to it being too wet to go into the fields!
You should try budgeting for 4 months without any serious income and see how you live...teachers have to do it for only 2! One does keep wondering how I exist? I do have a guardian soul that helps me when I do get too desperate and a large order has landed but that payment will take another month to get here...big sigh
I HATE being a owner of a business sometimes...we don't get unemployment benefits!
Been trying to walk twice a day, as this is the bug-free time and am so enjoying it! Aside form the once-in-a while cold wind nipping at the's been refreshing having the cobwebs blown from the brain...
Another project that has been occupying my brain cells is our final acceptance of the paranormal into our town's museum!
PoD and I, along with the financial support of my business, are putting the Shadow People shapes and Orbs where they have been seen and documented. We've also been given space to hang photos and paranormal info. Our deadline for completion is the centennial celebration in July! PoD is almost at the end of her commitment with dinner theater [I stayed out of it] and we plan to get at it going soon after....I have to give her a break first she says...
Been also waiting to hear back from the town council whether I can keep reporting about the courthouse hauntings...seems I need their permission on some things for a new blog I'm planning on just it.
As for decorating theme wise...the Easter bunny has found his way here already! I only wish he would stop dropping off those marshmallow bunnies that I love soooooo much...kind of defeats the walking purpose...
Or maybe I should walk further so I can have more bunnies...
Did I ever tell you I HATE BEING DIABETIC...
Stay tuned for the Darkside Zodiac, as my most annoying sign that seems to be attracted to me most, is next...TAURUS [Apr 21-May 21]