The only thing was, it was tied around my brain instead of my mouth!
Here I was crabbing about [to myself & kids] on "why" won't blogger let me blog, when it was the fault of the damn viruses that hit me around Xmas time...nice present NOT! My son was able to fix my computer woes by doing what ever the hell that he does to them...make any sense? I was happy to be able to work again...not that there was too much of that...;( Worst was I couldn't blog! Something he knows nothing about the workings of it so he couldn't say what was wrong! Nor did PoD! I had stories to to show and NOTHING could be done! WHO DO YOU CALL.... Nope....not Ghost Busters...;}
You try and figure it out....yourself! got a brain the middle of our miserable snow storms!
Why not look it up on here....?
First of all, one has to be able to get on here in the first it wasn't all my fault...;{! All I had to do was read and COMPREHEND what they were saying!
Go figure Huh! Pushing sixty and it's never too late to learn something...;)
Something about changing my settings? I figure it happened then? He has to come back home again [not sure when that will happen] to fix the scary parts that really caused it. I still have a fear of clicking the wrong button so I won't go there! ANYWAYS.... It is way too late after Xmas to want to post the office pictures [unless you beg for them...:}] and believe me I tried to many times and couldn't!
Xmas came and went...we all had fun and were well for a change! The present I played with the most was my new "Game Camera"! Still trying to figure out where to put it. I know for sure that it doesn't work well [the batteries die] in the cold! Great for inside...I have discovered that the cat likes to walk all over places where she's not supposed to be...;} Work has been starting to get busy right now which is strange for a January with me. Normally my slow times are from Xmas to April/May. The town's Centennial is coming up in July and the one who are on the ball are starting now, which is great for me. I hate last minute jobs and have figured that's what will happen...seems I might be wrong One never knows... Main topic around these parts lately it the AMOUNT of snow we have right now... One is aware that it is winter and that we do get snow here... Only thing is, we haven't had THIS MUCH in a LONG time...

No these aren't Orbs...just snow and more snow and more snow

I did manage to get Xmas taken down and put away. I left up the pine garland and lights for Valentines...
Which will appear as soon as I get a chance once more...
Not pushing my luck here...
I have also been trying to comment on your posts too but the gag was in place there too...
Hopefully I can do that...
Okay, that explains where you've been. It happened to me last year with the same Blogger weirdness going on. I lost my entire blogroll and my google reader. It made me totally nutso!
Know how you feel...nutso sound right! I am now dealing with editor being the old about a step backwards...;(
I wondered where you went. I thought maybe you were taking a break, as I did. Love looking at snow pics. Love snow, when I don't have to go outside.
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