I was too exhausted after yesterday's events to blog about it...trying to keep you on pins & needles waiting to find out...:)
Besides...I had to play with them first...:)
Should have had taken my camera along, as the selection of buyers wandering around, was for my entertainment [bad karma], some being more entertaining than others with...a variety of dress too!
The day started out quite chilly, so I decided to layer my tops and keep the pants long! One not [usually] dressing for style while hunting for bargains. Some others felt different.
I don't know how this one woman managed to get up that early to do her [helmet] hair, full make-up, perfumed [stayed away from her], sparkly clothes [liked her top] with long manicured nails...kind of sticking out like a sore thumb...[meow]:)
Some came in PJ bottoms [I know it's the rage] one even wore her housecoat/slippers [it was a joke...I hope]/coffee. All she needed was curlers in her hair with a smoke hanging out of her mouth...you get the picture...:) Come to think of it she even looked hung over....dedication or what?
Rain tried to dampen the day but only ended up annoying the sellers..."garagesailors" who "weather through" will, in any kind of weather! The day did end up "sun-shiny" and warm! I was happy to have layers to peal off!
All looked and acted like they wanted to be there [even coffee lady]. I saw some that looked like they were dragging their spouses and others [like us], looking like they wanting to bowl others over that were getting in the way...:)
Some town kids were smart and hauled a cart around to carry their "booty"!
I ran into "literly" my grandkids while they did their "sailin". At one place this kid said "hi gramma" I had to narrow my "scanning glaze" to this face stuck in front of me...it was my grandson's! I had forgotten that they were going to be there...I kind of get "tunnel vision"?:). My grandkids have grown up so much that it's hard to know what they are into [besides video games]. My grand daughter is somewhat easier as she's into the "girly" stage and we both like shiny stuff and there was lots around. I got her 2 outfits that she picked out...AJ was happy. Boys are so much harder and JD wanted items that might involved stitches [ie: skateboard] later or PoD's wrath...:) I got him a mini Sask Roughrider Helmut/Radio/headphones [never opened] keepsake...kind of lame. A pretty [new looking] metallic cigarette/business card case for PoD or a whimsical "bear" fountain/ornament for her garden [or could go to my sis] area.. Sadly nothing for Trebor...;(
JD gave me one of his puffwheat squares...he knows his gramma needs sugar...:)
That's another thing I like about small town sales is the "kid's goodie stands"....these are the cheap refreshment/snack areas and the monies states that it goes to the kids who man them. Some sellers offer coffee for free or cheap. I never worry about buying these items in a small town...I'm not so sure about the cities. The ones that I have attended never offered this service.
As for getting what I wanted? No Red, Black or Burgundy?
I managed to get gold stuff, creamy color lace [old looking] and workable items for both functions. Added to my "chest" collection [keepsake holders for my memento hand-downs] & winter collectibles...santas & snowmen/flakes [$7.00].
The tables I enjoyed the most were the "FREE" items.
Garage sales are meant to get rid of your junk and hopefully make some money but more so, to free up space! There were those that were there just to make money...which might be the new way to go if the economy doesn't change. I still preferred the CHEAP sales!
Here's some of the stuff I got:
The rose bowls were all free and they were type that I needed...they had to have the ruffled edge.
The chest [$2.00] will get a make over...not too crazy about the flowers. I will be painting over them with black/burnished gold accents. After using it for the events [holder for the hand-outs] this will go to Billy Roo for his mementos.
The birdcage [$5.50] will become the card holder for the wedding cards/wishes for both events . I got 14 brass napking rings for [$5.00] which will go on the head table. I wanted a white slim-necked vase for the main flower arrangement near the cake and I found one thats an irridecent white/a mottled look, making it look a bit eerie [great for the "dragon" theme]...it only cost @1.00! 2 bags of metallic shreaded stuff [.50] for table centerpieces. Black metal mesh basket/heart handles for the overflow of cards or hand-outs [.25].
Other stuff: Musical Jewelery Box [2.00], Radio Shack cup warmer [a MUST for me] [.25], stool for drafting table [2.00] and some clothes [1 long summer dress, 2 glittery blouses].
Yesterday was: spending quality "friendship" time with an old pal, people watching, "prairiegold" finds, useful items...all for the price of $40.00!
Dodge is having their's June 6th but GSBuddy figures we should hit another town that is having their's 1st one sooner!
...so I wonder how many sleeps til "Lizned's"?
Congrats on some great finds! I actually kind of like the flowers. Happy Mother's Day!
Being who I am it's not funky enough...:) Hope your day was as fun as mine.
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