These shots are of the school room. You can see the only two clear orbs that I captured from the whole haunt. They are shown in the photo with the chalk board. I classify them as "orbs" and for those of you into "dust motes" why aren't there more? It got to be pretty dusty in there so I should have had lots show up as you can see the pics are pretty clear. If you bigify them you will see that they aren't quite round? Anyways, this was the area that the family of scarers haunted. They would sit on the desk or stand beside it and hold a book open...then they would slam it shut! That always got a got scream.

As you left the school room area you had to go down another dark aisle with a guy sitting in a chair. Sometimes there was someone hiding beside/behind him and they made sure that they kept the victims moving. This led to the "laundry" area. The old wringer washer as dimly lit inside and a face peeked out at you. this was the distraction for the ones hiding behind crates or under the table. In the dark and wearing all black made sure that they didn't see and if they did the person doing the scaring would remain still and it made on not too sure if they would "come to life" or not. This too got lots of scares!

As you went around the corner you were confronted with this creepy dude. His eyes glowed red and the mannequin underneath the mask made him look real. He was only a half body and sat on a desk which mad him fairly tall. This was a distraction for the ones sitting around the table. The table was dimly lit with purple lights and had a singing candelabra as it's focal point. The bad boys occupied this area the most. The last night we had a very tall woman dressed in black and she held the huge creepy hands. These hands [no photo] were about a foot & half wide with the bony fingers outstretched and were painted white. She would stand still holding them down at her sides and when the victim would get close enough to see her she would lift them up high and growl. This usually insured that they would exit quickly, if not, she would follow them!

You had to pass by the "Grim Reaper" before entering the cemetery. I would stand by the guy
and most had a hard time passing by us. Just as you thought you were safe [sometimes I wouldn't move] a huge white spider[on a skateboard] would come rolling out at them. Many did the "scary dance" as they thought it would get their legs. If that didn't work then I would "come to life" and follow behind them...that always got them good!
This last pic is of the entrance way to the cemetery. We had someone donation the use of his coffin/skeleton and air blaster. We had a security person at the exit operate this prop scare and when the victims would get close to the coffin, the skeleton would sit up. Most people from town would recognize this prop [he used it yearly in his halloween set-up] but still ended up getting scare because they would walk by a treasure chest which contained an air cannon. This was quite loud and made one deaf after awhile but scared the hell out of one anyways! You can't see the prop because the guy had already removed it before I had a chance to get a pic of it.
We even had gravestones!

Sorry about the big spaces! I don't find this blogging stuff very user friendly.
The end of Halloween 2008!
I suspect I would have screamed several times, and perhaps even fainted. The orbs are cool. I doubt it was dust! I really enjoyed seeing the end result. BJ
I've been iced in all week, but today everything melted away. I'm tired of winter already! I hope you are doing well, and have a wonderful holiday.
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