Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Rainbow Bridge came yesterday, for one of my loved ones...

...around 2:00pm, one of my fur-babies, Suki, passed away from "renal failure"! She was 4 days away from turning 11.
I buried her last night at 11:11...on a clear and cool night which happened to be the start of a new moon?

I have more to say later about her untimely death and how it changed our lives?

But my heart is too heavy to continue right now...

R.I.P. my Suki Yama [ June 7, 1997 - June 3, 2008 ]



Wilma said...

Queenie, I am so sorry. She was quite the cat, & a wonderful companion to you.

Take time to grieve.

Kyanite said...

Oh gosh!

My heart goes out to you QoH!
Suki was a puss with attitide & I know so close to your heart.
I loved that she started blogging & regret I was neglectful of you both recently.
My thoughts are with you.


Roan said...

I'm really sorry for your loss. What a tragedy. Four years ago, I lost my cat Pooh to cancer. She was 14. It's really hard to say goodbye. I wish I had seen your post earlier, but I've been having computer problems the past few days due to rain and flooding. We're basically an island here. Take care, BJ

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh dear Queen! I am ever so very saoor about your beloved Suki. Blue told me about her passing to the rainbow bridge. She was such a beauty with stunning eyes. I know you will miss her so dreadfully but I hope all of your memories together will comfort you right now.
Love from Miss Peach

Roan said...

I hope you are doing okay. Haven't heard from you in a while. Take care, BJ

Roan said...

I have joined the ranks of the bloggers and added another blog. It's if you care to visit. It was good to hear from you. Take Care, BJ

Roan said...

Hi Queen,
Just checking in. Hope you are well. BJ