On Saturday, Trebor and I spent about 3 hrs cleaning up the last mess that we made the last time he was here. Who would of thought that it would take so long! Granted, while I was cleaning, he was busy tearing more down!
In Dodge, we are only able to take stuff to the dump on Thursdays [3-8:00pm] and on Saturdays [2-6:00pm] so we have to plan our days accordingly.
This weekend, Trebor's brother [Sined] and sister-in-law [Kcinna] and her kids were coming to have Thanksgiving with him, PoD and my grandkids. They were supposed to have arrived Friday but vehicle problems delayed them until Saturday around 5:00 pm or so.
Renovations started in earnest on Sunday after lunch. This time Trebor and I had help from BillyRoo and Sined. Our first mission was to fix the roof damage [inside], so that when the snow flies, the weight of it won't make it bulge inwardly! We also re-supported the roof where there was no support!
Seems I was right about the place being a "rooming house" in the olden days! They built the walls for the tiny rooms [I figure there was 8 rooms] and then installed the roof. So when the "Idiot who owned the place before" renovated, he removed bearing walls and that's what helped the roof to slowly collapse! Thankfully, Sined had done renovations before and was able to give us some great ideas on how we should go about fixing and shoring! We we got quite a bit done and we still have some more to do, but this is what it looks like now...

Here's all of the rotten rafters that held up the ceiling in the bedroom, dining room and kitchen...
Meanwhile PoD and Kcinna were busy making our Thanksgiving feast! I had put my contribution to the meal [ham] in the oven at noon to slow cook while I helped the guys. In my case I would rather build than cook! We stopped for supper around 6:00pm and ate a wonderful meal! The girls did a fantastic job...my ham was so well cooked that it fell off the bone!
Trebor and his brother decided that they wanted to keep working on the place so they went back and tore out more stuff! They also added a couple more support posts...so we now have added 4 metal posts that will now hold the roof like it should have before!
While the guys were busy fixing, PoD, Kcinna and I did what we like to do when it gets dark! We decided to visit Dodge's Cemetery!
We are all into the Paranormal! Kcinna happens to be very in tune with the spirit world and we like to do scary things when she's here! She attended our last "Paranormal Group's Tour" in the Courthouse and we've always talked about doing the cemetery after dark!
We had some problems happen to us before we managed to finally get investigating done!
We started out in Kcinna's vehicle, got to the cemetery before we realized that it was too dark [we forgot our flashlights] and too cold [freezing wind] to continue! On our way back home we had vehicle problems [fan belt broke] and had to switch to PoD's car! Arming ourselves with heavier coats, two flashlights and hot coffee we started out once more!
Finally we were able to start!
When we got there the first time we heard what sounded like someone playing a flute? Sound carries pretty far on the prairies and we figured it must be coming from one of the homes nearest to the cemetery [about a mile away]? Anyways, it was gone when we started out the second time?
It was horribly cold out! The wind was so bad that it froze our hands [no one thought of gloves] and our hot coffee quickly turned cold!
We started with my friend Liz's grave and I took photos of all of the grave sites around hers! We wanted to do more but it was just too cold, my hands were freezing and my camera started acting up, so we cut it short and went back to my shop to down load to see what we did get. We were quite amazed at what came out of our little venture...

Remember...it was very windy out there, so if there was any dust/dirt problems with the shots there should have been lots on all of the pics!
This is us leaving!
All in all we had an exciting day...kind of different for a Thanksgiving! I must give thanks that I have family to help me out!
Bet you never had a day like mine!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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