Friday, April 06, 2007


Seeing as I am NOT a religious person, the meaning of the holiday is totally lost on me...I would never celebrate someone who was murdered by matter what lame excuse it was! I feel sorry for all that do...but each to their own!

I like this holiday because the government decrees that no one should work this day and anything to break-up the weekly grind is OK with me! Every Friday is a good Friday to me! TGIF

I do celebrate Easter...not for that religious reason either! Although I do wonder about people who only believe in THAT ghost and not ALL ghosts?

I do believe in the "Easter Bunny"! Although I have always wondered "where do they get their eggs"? Has anyone ever seen bunnies breaking into the hen house and if you did...would you accuse them of stealing eggs....hmmmm?

And why isn't it the "Easter Chicken"...seeing as it's her eggs? But maybe that would be like selling your own kids...hmmmm?

And why the ducks? It definitely isn't advertised as their eggs!

Man...some of the mysteries of life?

Thankfully Its Good Friday!

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