Sunday, April 08, 2007


Saw the town rabbit, "Hoppy", this morning...out back of my place....he must have finished his route because he ditched any incriminating evidence......No basket!

You know...the one for eggs...that he stole out of that hen house....

Didn't see any chocolate stuff either....

I am so glad that I finally got to see Hoppy [after months of not]...["add photo"...that might have happened if I could have found my camera in time] and watched his/her snacking...which is pretty slim at this time of year.

I'm pretty sure this is Hoppy's snack bar as he/she nibbles for awhile then goes back to where he/her came from...I have been very fortunate to be able to watch Hoppy doing this for quite awhile and hopefully for much longer!

It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here in is clear...the wind isn't flapping the plastic wrap tangled in the trees out front...the dead leaves and winter garbage isn't swirling in the gutters and for a change the mart parking lot isn't overrun with idling vehicles...exhaust fumes filling the air!

Spent Sat spring cleaning and rejuvenation my new bedroom...far away from the leaking ceilings and rotting walls!

Lots of scrubbing and vacuuming!!!

My son has had the joy of getting to move my crap around for he's off right now...due to "road ban" time!

A LOT had to go downstairs to the garage sale pile!

It was all worth it!

My son picked up a "air cleaner" in town south of us for me and I ran it for about 6 hrs before bed.

Best night's sleep in a LONG while!!

No blowing my nose a million coughing....


Future Plans...

Our shop will be closed for this week to do renovations...customers can still leave "orders" and arrange for pick up of their completed stuff but we will be closed to street traffic.

School kids will be out for Easter break this week so the grand kids get to help out with the make-over...can we say....child labor?

A quote from my step mom would be...
"putting a kid to work will only keep them out of trouble and who knows...they might even learn something from it"!

We will all be screaming in agony with sore muscles by the time we re-open doors Apr. 17th.

Tonight Son & I will be feasting at PoD"s place and I have goodies for the kids. I got them huge stuffed floppy rabbits [they like them for pillows] and small rabbit basket filled with the sugary stuff.

Times to accomplish potato making... I'm making mashed & scalloped and I'm also bringing a cooked ham...I have troubled with eating turkey freshly cooked...I prefer it the next day?

Have A Happy Easter and to all of you who a driving for the safe!

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