Sunday, March 11, 2007



That's what woke me this morning at4:41 am!

Sounded like it came from the doors downstairs!

The "bang" noise sounded like a door slamming shut! That made me sit upright in bed...heart pounding...then came the noise of something/someone trying to open the double know...rattle...rattle!

Suki had been sleeping with me and she was sitting up looking towards the I know she heard it also! Thumber was standing in my doorway looking towards downstairs! So I know it wasn't anything that the cats they could have rattled the doors anyways?

My first thought was the back doors...was someone trying to get in...or maybe some stupid drunk person thought they would be funny and tried to kick them in!

I jumped out of bed and looked out the window to see if any fools where in the back alley but no one showed up in that area! I even opened the window so I could here if anyone was there...nothing!

I stood there for awhile listening for anything else...still nothing!

Both cats headed out the bedroom door so I figured I would follow them to see what was it that they were going to investigate! I knew if Thumber ran...that would mean someone was in the place and Suki would be brave/curious enough to see what/who it was!

Both cats went downstairs so I followed...heart still pounding!

I kept the lights off because I am used to walking around here in the dark and I figured that they wouldn't know where I was. I have a lot of crap around so it would make it hard for someone to move about in the dark if they didn't know the layout too well!


I checked all doors...everything was as I left it!

Nothing had fallen or was broken! All was quiet!
I listened for any noise out the back doors...nothing!

NOW I AM WIDE AWAKE! Thankfully the heart has stopped pounding!

Must of being the "slamming doors"...which happens quiet a bit in here! I don't mind it in the daytime as I have gotten used to it but I sure hate it when it wakes me up that way!!!

Can't go back to sleep...nothing to do but blog and wait for the coffee to finish brewing....

and listen.........

1 comment:

Headgirl said...

Weird, sleepless nights with strange sounds! Tell me about them!
We can share notes in a week or two!