Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Awaken again this morning [3:48] by that annoying crying child in my dream!

This has happened to me once before!

In my dream this annoying child [nobody I know] is constantly crying...kind of a high pitched whining sound! I am telling this mother/friends, of this kid, to shut this kid up...but no one is listening! Everywhere I go in my dream this sound continues...driving me insane! Finally I can't take it any longer and I yell loudly for him/her to, just SHUT UP!

I must of yelled it out loud because I woke myself up...that's when I discovered that the whining/crying kid....was ME making that noise!

It seems my bronchitis-wheezing was so loud that I was annoying myself!

No way I can go back to sleep now until I get rid of that sound!

So I find myself in bloggy-land!

I sought help yesterday by visiting my doctor and after much testing found I have a virus that drugs can't fix...only time will heal it or get worse. Seems it has to get worse before medicine will work?

Why aren't they looking for a way to cure viruses?

Yesterday, AJ also had to see the doctor and she now has bronchitis too...poor kid!
This means she has to stay home from school for a couple of days...so now PoD can't come to work!

It sucks being your own boss with only one employee!

I used to look forward to sick-time off when I worked for others [way back when] so now I guess I have to pay the price now for my slothfulness in the past!

But seeing as I am the boss I can close shop...put up my "out doing installations" sign and get some rest when I need it. My secretary [answering machine] can take messages!

So I guess I should stop wasting time whining here and get some work done while I still feel well enough....need more coffee....

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