Friday, September 29, 2006

Happy Halloween...only 31 days til Halloween!
27 days til the haunt opens!!!
First day at the court house to officially start the haunt building process! Actually it will be our second journey to the place. The first one doesn't count as it was during the day while the place was open for business. It's only scary in there when your alone or a small group at night! Running the haunted courthouse is fun when its all ready and set to go, but it's getting it to that condition that is exhausting physically and mentally!
The Princess of Darkness [daughter] and our two little minions [grandkids] and of course me...did the first jaunt to get some measurements of the basement hallway and remove excess crap, from dentist's offices, left from previous year. While we were there I checked out the conditions of the walls.
The outer walls are slowly crumbling away!
These walls are the newest in the basement and they are breaking down! The 2nd yr of the haunt we covered the crumbling areas with old tarps and black plastic and the customer's never touched the stuff. The smells in that place drives my sinuses crazy! The good spots that year are now falling apart and the plastic left for the dividing walls will now have to cover them up. So now I have to buy more new plastic to replace the old but I'd rather use the new and have the walls covered to protect everyone who will be moving around in there. Clean-up this year will be with face masks to protect the lungs!
On our first trip I noticed that my granddaughter [now 9] is still nervous about being downstairs. I spotted her and her brother [7] standing close to each other and she was pointing down the hallway, looking sort of tense. I never said anything to her but I will keep an eye on her and watch how much the place effects her. I want my grandkids to be able to enjoy scary places and be open to experience the unknown without being afraid of it. After all...we all face the unknown daily!
In 2002 we were setting up in the basement and chatting in front of the doorway to the Custodian Quarters and she was facing it while I was standing with my back to it. Suddenly she interrupts the conversation with an exclamation of seeing her uncle [my son] just walk by behind me down the hallway of these quarters. I though she was kidding me as there was no possible way he could be back there as he would have had to of walked by us first. The look on her face told me that she was serious and that I would have to show her that she was wrong. We checked the place out together and the look on her face was of terror when she realized that she must have seen a ghost. The look on her face sure convinced me that she saw what she saw!
Sorry about the flashback...thought I'd fill in the story for those of you who never heard it before. Back to the saga...
I took a couple of photos of the hallway and saw no orbs in either shots but when downloaded, the first shot had quite a few in them whereas the other shot was orbs!
When the paranormal group was here they noticed that they would get quite a few orbs in shots if you took sudden random posed shots. But when they would set up the camera on the tripod and we would sit waiting for them to show...they seldom did. I find when I take multiple shots [as fast as is possible with a digital] that the orbs appear in the first shot and gone in the next. Not a bad maneuver for dust!
I forgot to mention earlier that when I said that I get these photos with spots on them that I also get other shapes. In two different areas of the basement [opposite ends] I have images on the pics that look like horned faces. The other shape appears in a photo taken outside of a store downtown. I took two shots the first shot it looked like a huge half [about 4' wide] of a orange could see one wing. The next shot the object had moved across the area and the other wing was now visible...other shots after that showed nothing. Later through internet research I found that this sight is called the red man or the orange angel.
Tonight we start....Our first venture will be the worst spot in the place! The Custodian Quarters! If I had a choice on the last place I'd like to stay in...that would be the place. How someone lived in basement of the courthouse is beyond me. Thankfully the building is still cold [thanks to the idiots who tore the chimney off the place...leaving a gaping hole...but we won't get into that right now] and the heat won't be a bother for me. Other years it was so hot in there that we had to wear shorts and tank tops!
Tonight we'll just clean the floors [sweep], remove garbage, measure floor space and see what walls need covering.
The haunt this year will start in the upper floors. We will start with the courtroom, through the Judge's Hallway [from his quarters] down the stairs to the basement. The basement haunt will be the scarier of the two and we will be using the Dentist's Room and Custodian Quarters. The main Headquarters will be upstairs in the Judge's Chambers with the Jury Room as an extra dressing room.
Wish us luck!
Orbing out....QoH

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