I was rudely awaken this morning by being flipped out of bed by my mattress/bedding, finding myself being wedged tightly between the frame and the sliding doors of my closet! The landing was soft, because of the bedding, but they also ended up trapping me because they encased me so tightly!
The first thing I did was panic because I'm not too crazy about being restrained like that! I felt like a beached whale tangled up in a fishing net! Then I had to laugh at my was I going to get out!
Well, with a lot of wiggling and butt shoving the bed frame and closet doors, I managed to free myself. This only took a few minutes but felt like an hour! It was still dark out when it happened so I turned on the lights to see what time it was...4:47 am!
The real odd thing about this happening was the dream that I was having at the time! I had been replaying an incident from my past that happened between my two younger sisters, Buttons, Eener and me.
My parents were out and I was babysitting them. It was bedtime, I was really tired and wanted to sleep, but all they wanted to do was fool around! It didn't matter how much I shouted at them to shut-up and go to sleep...they wouldn't listen! They both shared a room and they were just across the hall from mine. So I planned my revenge!
It was dark out and there was hardly any light, so I was able to crawl across the hallway and sneak into their room. The closest bed to me belonged to my younger sister Eener. I slipped under the bed and waited for them to stop yakking. Finally they lay quiet for a few moments and that's when I reached out from under Eener's bed and grabbed her!
You should have heard the ear piercing scream that she let out! The scream was so loud that it ended up scaring Buttons. She reacted by screaming and flinging herself against the wall beside her bed! This caused the bed to shift, her mattress flipped and it pinned her!
Of course I rolled out from under the bed laughing...tears running down my cheeks. I turned the light on and found both girls in hysterics and crying! Then I realized that Buttons was more panicked than Eener because of the predicament she was in. She couldn't get out and it didn't help that she was still unaware of why Eener had screamed! She too was encased in her bedding!
Our parents came home to quite an uproar and I was in big trouble because of it!
The weird thing about this tale is the dream, my experience that awoke me from it and the time in which I figured it happened...4:44?
Those who have kept up with my blog knows that I have a thing with numbers and the number 444 [to me] means an angel has contacted me.
So....did Buttons get back at me for my sadistic prank from our earlier years?
Also, out of the blue, I received a call last night from an old friend inviting me to go "garage sailing" with her this morning in the town-wide garage sale next to our town. "Garage Sailing" was a big favorite of Button's and mine. It's been over a year since I have attended one [I had to kick the habit]. With my business not doing too well and money being tight I hadn't really planned on attending it. PoD's not really into it too much [she's been doing this clean sweep thing] any more and missing my sister hasn't helped the desire either. So I thought..."why not"?
Making a mental note with myself last night to make sure to get up early enough so I could shower before going. this also a sign from her telling me that it's okay to go?
That's why this blog is labeled WHAT THE F__K!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Post 333....this number is supposed to be the devil's son's number...?
Why the rant....
But seeing as I don't believe in the devil, I guess one should never mind the number!
The one thing I do believe in, is the evil that is in some people! Or maybe that some are so brain dead that reasonable thought never enters their brain...ever?
What kind of person would fire a dangerous projectile towards an occupied house?
I can't for the life of me, justify this act, let alone wonder why any person would own such a weapon that could fire this thing in the first place!
Why the rant....
Yesterday morning, PoD dug out a tiny dart that was embedded into the wooden frame of one of her veranda windows! She really had to dig deep to remove it, meaning that it had to of hit at a high velocity [I watch too much CSI]! If her or one of her kids had been standing on the step, they would have been hit in the head by it! The angle that it came from showed that it might not have been fired directly at her place but as far as I'm concerned it should have never been fired...period! The height of it suggested that it was fired from a high someone standing in the back of a truck. A drive by?
We're not sure what kind of distance these can be fired from in order to keep their power, but if it was a short distance, as stated in target practicing, then it was deliberately fired at her house to bury itself that deep! Scary thought!
This is the tiny object I'm talking about...
This picture shows these ones to be plastic but the one that PoD dug out of her window frame was made out of metal. I seriously think that even the plastic ones could dangerous! This is the type of object it is fired from...
Those darts can only be fired from a hand held air gun and not from an air rifle [we checked]! How would you react if this was shoved into your sure looks real to me! It scares me to think that something like this is showing up in our small town! The sad thing is that these air guns/rifles are bought as a toy/game?

Needless to say we went to the cop shop and reported it! They should be concerned about the existance of these...what if they stopped a vehicle and found themselves looking down the business end of this "harmless" toy?
We're still waiting to hear from them...?
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